Recent content by Aaubert

  1. Aaubert

    Creative Uses of

    I know people have heard of the website/app, but there is a platform for getting C-list celebrities to make videos saying what you want them to. So I was about to pay Gilbert Gottfried $50 to send my family an apology for ditching out on Thanksgiving due to crazy snowy driving conditions, and I...
  2. Aaubert

    Pokemans and how to catch them with your phone - friend codes in OP

    Hey folks - if you're interested at all... tomorrow (Saturday) - i think from 11-2 here on the West Coast, there will be nothing but Zapdos spawning at raids - and they difficulty has been lowered so they're a bit easier. I'll be nerding out tomorrow.
  3. Aaubert


    I'm not a hardcore player. I get rank 5 each month from doing dailies and sitting on the toilet, never really pushed legend. So take me with a grain of salt - But I'm kinda amazed by the diversity that I'm seeing at rank 5 right now. Last night before the ladder reset, I played about 10 games...
  4. Aaubert


    Anyone wanna trade the 80g quest? matty#1612
  5. Aaubert


    I think that my negative reaction is based on the way that the already ultra-powerful warlock hero power is so well-aligned with the deck's goals and the interactions with the other cards. Control/Cubelock is a mini-combo deck, so they need to draw lots of cards. Warlocks get to draw cards...
  6. Aaubert


    I've been messing around with the new Solo Adventure, and I'm entirely and completely over Toki the Time Tinker. I have read the /r/competitiveHS post on the adventure. I have sunk some 50ish bosses into Toki without completing an 8/8 run, and I've got no more than 20 on the others, having beat...
  7. Aaubert


    I thought he Tarim'd on a turn, and the next round was left with three 3/3s. I donno. I slipped back from 2 stars into rank 1 to 2 stars into rank 3 today, so I have no authority on this game. I really like Hunter, and I feel like I'm in a rut, so I wanna craft Rhok'Delar for spell hunter...
  8. Aaubert


    Heh, it's much easier to see in a replay. There are a lot of small things that I think come with just paying closer attention. For one turn, right after you Tarim'd , you had three different 3/3s on the board, and a Kings in hand, meaning you had 13 dmg on board - while he had 12 HP. After...
  9. Aaubert


    Please tell me you have a Replay of that game. That's so incredibly hilariously demoralizing. I'd have had to laugh and then throw something, then laugh, then take a walk.
  10. Aaubert


    I dicked around with the rogue for a little bit today - then I tried the mage. I'm so angry at the mage option. "Hey, you like random highrolls? Here's a class that is made to do nothing but random high rolls, and we even gave you a 2nd chance button so you can do more random high rolls!"
  11. Aaubert


    For the games that I lose against even pally, it is because they run at perfect efficiency. They don't ever leave any mana on the board, they always have something to buff when they want it, and for the goals that they try to accomplish, the extra dude is always a good thing. I've beat them...
  12. Aaubert


    I'm hovering between rank 2 and 3 again and again and again. It's close enough to rank 1 that it feels like it should be worth it to just push forward. But.....
  13. Aaubert

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  14. Aaubert


    Hahaha - so I hadn't thought about it, until you put it here, and I'm sure it's mostly just a win-more condition, but if someone has Spiritsinger Umbra on the board, (which I have seen stick quite a few times, playing as Spiteful vs. cubelock), then they can cube something and then voodoo doll...
  15. Aaubert


    Maybe I'm being too hopeful, but Shudderwock feels to me like the devs learned a lesson from Yogg. The power of the effect is cool and exciting - but the randomness was too problematic. This one maintains that same idea, but makes the randomness much more controllable and able to be framed by...