Recent content by Balin

  1. B

    Dark Souls 2

    Man I guess I got lucky. I killed Smelter on my first try. Pure melee toon. Didn't think he was much harder than the solo Dragonrider in Heide's. But I was an idiot on Iron King. I didn't notice that ladder to the last bonfire until after I killed him, so I was running from the campfire above...
  2. B

    Dark Souls 2

    Man, me too. The first two games have really similar combat and I'm good at both. I still blow at DS2, 5 or 6 hours in. They changed combat pretty dramatically. It's frustrating, but overall I'm glad I can't just faceroll everything. Some aspects of combat that are noticeably different:
  3. B

    Dark Souls 2

    It changes your character's gender. Almost made me reroll, thinking I'd failed to notice the frayed tube top during character creation.
  4. B

    Dark Souls 2

    How amazing would it be to have Souls-style combat in an MMO? There'd be big differences like ~6 people beating on one mob, and client-server latency would sometimes blow. But still. I'd be all over it.
  5. B

    Dark Souls 2

    The Crestfallen Warrior dude tells you it's going to make things harder, though he doesn't give specifics.
  6. B

    Dark Souls 2

    You're not missing anything. Lots of people complaining about this. Hopefully it gets fixed in a patch.
  7. B

    Dark Souls 2

    Gotta say they did an amazing job making it just different enough from DS1 to still be hard for veterans. I beat DS1 with two different SL1 toons and was feeling pretty cocky. Dozens of DS2 deaths later, I have been stripped of all ego. I'm not very far in, but framerate on PS3 seems just...
  8. B

    True Detective

    I think people had every reason to expect a twist. I did. In the end it proved to be simply a character drama, but a fucking good one. Both guys were brilliantly written and acted. I felt a little let down that it was a straightforward find-bad-guy kill-bad-guy conclusion to the mystery, but...
  9. B

    Dark Souls 2

    Yeah I just saw that too, and came to the same conclusion. Leaning PS3 now. Planning to pick it up at lunch today, so I'll have to get completely off the fence by then. Supposed to have a snow storm overnight. Hoping for a big one so I can scam out of work tomorrow!
  10. B

    Dark Souls 2

    Hmm. There are mixed reports about framerates. Can anybody else confirm that PS3 is pretty good? I have a 360 and a PS3, and I'm still on the fence which to get. I'm more used to the 360 controller, but I don't really want to pay for XBox Live just for this game. But there have also been...
  11. B

    Dark Souls 2

  12. B

    Dark Souls 2

    Jealous. Stay this way for as long as you can stand it. I wish I'd held out longer.
  13. B

    Dark Souls 2

    It's actually Darkwraith--a PVP covenant. But especially when you're making a low-level one for the sole purpose of invading hapless newbs, you're a Dickwraith.
  14. B

    Dark Souls 2

    I've got level 15 sunbro I made for co-op in Undead Parish (defending against lvl 9 dickwraiths FTW), and I pumped him up pretty far. I beat O&S with him so I could warp, but there was no reason to beat 4 kings. This will be my first shot at them with a low level toon. My usual strategy is...
  15. B

    Dark Souls 2

    This week on my first SL1 playthrough I: beat Quelaag on the first try got past the Anor Londo archers on my first try beat O&S on my second try!! but in between I died to trash mobs a bunch of times. For some reason the Anal Rodeo lightning gargoyles give me hell on this character with...