Recent content by Blue-Fields

  1. Blue-Fields

    How do you find people to play games with/deal with woke guilds/etc?

    I know these aren't really intended to be real replies. But there are obviously reasons why people sometimes can't find other people they can relate to wherever they're living. Some have disabilities and illness that make them housebound, some live in isolated areas with populations less than 3k...
  2. Blue-Fields

    How do you find people to play games with/deal with woke guilds/etc?

    My title is a mash of things because I'm not really sure how to articulate this. I tried to join a few guilds in an mmo, only to see the person answering invite requests is a man pretending to be a woman. Or that the guild's discord asks for pronouns and is plastered with "no transphobia, no...