Recent content by branthor_sl

  1. B

    Movie 43

    I liked the red band trailer. I sure hope there is a plot but from the looks of it there is only going to be laughs
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    Django Unchained

    Best part for me was everyone in the theater laughing at all the racial comments because today they just sound silly.
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    Lord of the Rings Online

    Is it still walking only if your are FTP? Spending all that time to get from 1 area to the next is what turned me off.
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I miss the interaction with the zone and the dungeons within the story of the zone. Just being able to teleport and have quests waiting for you inside ruins why your there. Its all about the loot and the XP and nothing about the story.
  5. B

    Why hide the screenshots and rickshaw forums?

    I think its fair, I've went to long just reading and not contributing.