Recent content by CocaineSamurai_sl

  1. C

    Total War: Warhammer

    Attila had a very solid launch considering how badly Rome2/Empire etc launched, hoping for more of the same here especially since they pushed it back a month. I don't mind paying upfront since any WHFB fan who played a TW game for the first time all thought the exact same thought of "There...
  2. C

    Total War: Warhammer

    That is more indication, not less of those factions being early DLC factions as they are effectively saving their spot on the map. You can see it here at about 4:38ishTotal War: WARHAMMER - Gameplay Stream - YouTube Game 2 they will be figuring out how to stitch the trilogy together from a...
  3. C

    Total War: Warhammer

    I doubt they are going to make people wait that long to play the 2 bigger elf factions and daemons/lizards on top of it, but you can bet DE/Lizardmen will be together since they share the same landmass. The way that region occupation works leads me to believe skaven/lizardmen will be in the same...
  4. C

    DOTA 2

  5. C

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Minerals in your spit/food accumulate in the plaque and cause it to solidify. While it's really hard to get a cavity on an area covered with calculus, if you leave it long enough it will fuck up your gums and the bone underneath enough your teeth will eventually fall out. Also when you remove a...
  6. C

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    If you let plaque build up and just sit there undisturbed for a while. It eventually solidifies into a solid and becomes inactive(doesn't produce acid when you eat foods with sugars anymore). In a way, the solid plaque(calculus) acts as a barrier since it is blocking the formation of new plaque...
  7. C

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Frost DKs lose all the ghouls, lichborne heals since they lost deathcoil and still have Killing Machine making crit rating shit while cocking up their priorities all the time. Not to mention blizzard doesn't even understand how DW frost is played these days.
  8. C

    you find a meteorite, there's an accident at the lab, whatever The ability to create armor around the user's body from solid energy. Capabilities: The user can form armor around their body or a shape it from solid energy for protection and physical boost. With training, the user could shape the...