Recent content by Dabamf_sl

  1. D

    Health Problems

    Needle, fire, then poke your butt. I don't get why a full whitehead needs to form?
  2. D

    Marriage and the Power of Divorce

    Point well taken. I'll retract my statements for now and read up on it before posting more
  3. D

    Marriage and the Power of Divorce

    On one hand, I'm with themaster in saying those who say "no way, it has to be bullshit" have no grounds for doing so. If you are skeptical of the claim, find research or pick apart the research he provides, as some have done. On the other hand, I'm sitting here quietly thinking he's picking...
  4. D

    Marriage and the Power of Divorce

    Hypnosis is real in that it can induce an altered state in people, some more easily than others. Then again meditation induces an altered state as well. As an aside, it turns out hypnosis is also really good for implanting false memories through leading questioning, which led to hundreds if not...
  5. D

    Marriage and the Power of Divorce

    Haha. I posted about her before. She was the one that tried to reschedule our next date 15 min after we were supposed to meet because she was drunk, then didn't understand why I was pissed about that. Winner all around Sorta dating this white girl now. It's the worst
  6. D

    Marriage and the Power of Divorce

    When on a tinder date with a chick a while ago. Told her I study close relationships in my PhD program, and she said "oh then you must know about [whatever the fuck the 4 color theory about how people get along is]?" I said no, I've never heard of it, and she looked at me with such confusion...
  7. D

    Science!! Fucking magnets, how do they work?

    I thought "oh fuck yea a new space movie and they're trying to make it authentic" then read on to see it stars Matthew fucking Mcconohey Like that last space movie about that girl from the bus breathing heavily and George fucking clooney managing to still be smug even when he's supposed to be...
  8. D

    Rock climbing: Bouldering,Sport,Trad, Free solo, Deep water

    You can't get surgery to repair the tear?
  9. D

    Electronic Dance Music

    ITT: more people who think they're cool because they liked something before someone else. Quite a weird thing to stock your ego on, don't you think? I think well of myself for things I do. I think well of other people for things they do. But you guys for some reason think well of yourself for...
  10. D

    Viagra cost dbl since 2009 - where to source little blue batteries for my meatsabre?

    Tell your wife to lose weight. Same effect, and free
  11. D

    Marriage and the Power of Divorce

    Serious suggestion: would you be up for some arrangement whereby she can sleep with another person? If it's mostly sexual, and you can find a way to address that, the relationship may go on. If it doesn't work, well you were getting divorced anyway I volunteer Brad for the job
  12. D

    Electronic Dance Music

    It WAS amazing. And it was also a clusterfuck. I anticipate it will be amazing again next year as well, but also anticipate movement will be more amazing. So we chose movement. Omg so complicated
  13. D

    South Park

    Re: MM - "Fake douchebag that everyone likes for some reason" was the perfect description
  14. D

    Dad from 7th Heaven confesses to child molestation

    Maybe for child abuse, I don't know for sure. The child abuse stuff takes more liberties with confidentiality because of the power differemtial between adults and kids. But it's certainly not the case for danger to self or others. The only purpose of those exceptions to confidentiality are to...
  15. D

    Marriage and the Power of Divorce

    Know how this happened? Your god damn hair, that's how. And your gauges or whateverthefuck other weird shit you have. I'm not saying change. Because if you change it, you won't have any more weird ridiculous stories.