Recent content by Dalien

  1. Dalien Misc Refugee Thread

    You could always suicide by mod, or just ask @Lightning Lord Rule he'll probably oblige you.
  2. Dalien Misc Refugee Thread

    I was never sure either so I just tested it on you. Picard/salt didn't change your rep at all, Worf gave you +1
  3. Dalien

    MLB 2024: Rangers Conquer Texas, Then America

    It's beating a dead horse at this point, but it's ridiculous that the millions watching know immediately if a pitch is a ball or strike, but we have to rely on one guy behind the plate to make the correct call. Fuck any "purity of the game" nonsense, they should at least let the coaches...
  4. Dalien

    Final Fantasy I-VI Pixel Remaster Series

    Yeah he's actually easiest when you first get the lamp. At level 10 his attacks will only take 10% of your HP, at level 100 he'll hit for 9999. Save at the Balamb save point and have at it. So yeah draw demi's from him until it starts hitting for low amounts. Then just use Shiva or regular...
  5. Dalien

    2023-2024 NFL Season : Arizona's QB Search Continues

    hurrrr durrrr FoURtH DoWn
  6. Dalien

    Dragon Quest: The Definitive Thread

    They are working on DQ12 but it's had some setbacks. There's an interview from June 2023 talking about it but it's pretty vague. Dragon Quest XII apparently facing development difficulties as they target adult audiences and deal with remote work Some guy in a Reddit post says he has an...
  7. Dalien

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Fair enough, I thought it was live.
  8. Dalien

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I like how the literal who? villain turns into a floating placeholder cube when he tries to fly. That's some quality assurance there.
  9. Dalien

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    This is what happened to my guild. We started on Stalagg Alliance which was like 40/60 A/H at launch. Shortly after the Honor system launched (pre-BGs) it quickly snowballed to like 5/95 A/H. It was a pain in the dick to level, groups of Horde were camping like 95% of the world map hungry...
  10. Dalien

    MLB 2023: Houst*n wins, America loses

    Grats Ranger bros! Just got home from the game. Since it could be another 22 years before there's another World Series game here, we said fuck it and got some nosebleeds up near the top behind home plate. It was a rough game to watch as a D-Backs fan. We stranded like 9? guys in scoring...
  11. Dalien

    MLB 2023: Houst*n wins, America loses

    Ok then, I guess they gave us a rusty trombone then? Oh god, it sounded funny when I was typing it...
  12. Dalien

    MLB 2023: Houst*n wins, America loses

    Casual D-Backs fan since I moved here in '99, parachuting in. I don't usually watch the regular season much besides maybe having it on a TV in the other room for background noise. Not here to talk shit, I like the Rangers. We're underdog bros that have been shit on by the sports media for the...
  13. Dalien

    Final Fantasy I-VI Pixel Remaster Series

    Pixel Remaster (the PS4 version at least) lets you make a * save after beating the game, so you can go back and try to fill out bestiary, chests etc.
  14. Dalien

    Final Fantasy I-VI Pixel Remaster Series

    And... there it is. Thanks guys.
  15. Dalien

    Final Fantasy I-VI Pixel Remaster Series

    The problem is that there's two versions of Joker's Death. The one that kills the enemies and the one that kills you. At the beginning of the battle it sets a 1/32 chance of even being able to roll the good one. Then you have to actually roll Joker's Death in that battle. Even if you do the...