Recent content by Danth_foh

  1. D

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Not going to take your advice, Awlbiste. I"ve never used those things in my life. My wife would look at me funny if I started now. Common sense? I consider it common sense not to sleep with the local ho. Why tempt fate when over half the humans in the world are women? I know some guys who...
  2. D

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Sleeping with a gal who you know is sleeping around on you sounds like a great way to increase your odds of contracting an STD. Casual sex with some random broad doesn"t seem worth the risk. Of course everything currently happening is natural, Eomer. The tools and cities we build are every...
  3. D

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Men can wear some types of height boosting shoes too, though not normally so extreme as what women can wear. Cowboy boots are one obvious example of menswear with heels, but also dress shoes and generic business-casual shoes will have often heels about an inch to an inch and a quarter thick...
  4. D

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Least you can do is make sure the woman"s husband knows she"s been cheating on him if he doesn"t already know. Most guys like to know about that sort of thing. Danth
  5. D

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    My god. It happened. Keg actually posted something that I agree with. I have several female relatives who worked in modeling and/or as actresses, and they all say the same thing: They more or less had to sleep their way up (one made it all the way to the Paris fashion shows). Two of them never...
  6. D

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    No kidding. When my grandmother found out her husband was seeing other women behind her back, she had the guy shot. Some women just allow life to stomp in their faces. It"s a shame. ------------- As for religions, I agree with the above comment: It could work as long as the atheist is...
  7. D

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Jerle"s response seems reasonable to me. None of the men in that "may or may not be true" story is anything but a complete piece of human filth. I find the story, and the description itself, vile enough that I will err on the side of it being a fabrication. Jerle: You know full well that...
  8. D

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    No need to make fun of you Aamina, not this time. You did the right thing for once. If she was as drunk as you say, if you had sex with her then it"d have been rape, plain and simple. Do as you wish, but you had best keep in mind that women who get that drunk and lose control of themselves in...
  9. D

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    I don"t entirely agree with you, Kilvek. Your "stuck-up" approach does actually work on some women, that I won"t argue. However, I submit that the women stupid enough for that schtick to work on aren"t women you want to waste your time with, anyway. Who wants a long-term relationship, much less...
  10. D

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Erronius said it, others say it, I"ll say it too: You may as well move on, V. Women, especially younger women, are notoriously inept at telling a man that they aren"t interested. They always waffle, always say it half-baked, never want to "hurt someone"s feelings." Take Erronius" translation as...
  11. D

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Hah, now that"s funny stuff. Joke"s on me, but thanks for the laugh. Livens up a boring Friday night. Obviously I don"t watch that TV show since I didn"t see the reference, but that makes it funnier. Danth
  12. D

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    I applaud your using the word "pedantic". I really do--I like seeing folks with a good vocabulary, and it"s a fair description of my style too. My posts are shallow or deep as the subjects require, and ultimately we"re on a fairly shallow subject at the moment, so I actually agree with you on...
  13. D

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    It"s common within my experience, meaning my own marriage as well as women I talk to (taking into account what I noted about women"s inconsistency with their enjoyment of sex). Since I don"t believe my life to be in any way exceptional, logically I conclude that therefore such is ordinary. I...
  14. D

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    "that"s bullshit. explain lesbians." Explain them? What is there to explain? Perhaps you weren"t specific enough with your request as I"m not sure what you"re getting at. Some men happen to like men more than women, some women happen to like women more than men. That happens in nature. Seems...
  15. D

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Okay, I"ll elaborate. Have you ever had ten or twelve or fifteen orgasms in a row? Have you ever enjoyed it so much that you scream out uncontrollably? I sure haven"t and don"t know any man who has (much less had thatregularly), yet that"s pretty commonplace for women. Men seem more consistent...