Recent content by Fattyfat_foh

  1. F

    Denizens of FOH I call upon thee!

    Well, if spamming the link works (and I"m not really sure it does) here is my contribution Using firefox: - Install - reloadevery: index - Restart firefox - navigate to - right click the page and goto "reload every >...
  2. F

    Denizens of FOH I call upon thee!

    I"m pretty sure brooke has now posted on about 18 different forums... I love how all the topics remind me of shit sitting in my spam filter. btw, i"m on board. Does anyone know if the DIRECT vote link records all hits?
  3. F

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Sounds like an exciting challenge to me. I do a lot of that post "fun" stuff now in my current job. The only difference is I don"t get to design/code anything I personally find interesting. I"ve been known to daydream and create pages of game design docs while I compile. I compile a lot.
  4. F

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    It probably should have been there from day one, but it certainly didn"t need to be. I imagine with launch date milestones needing to be met your resources become prioritized. When you move into beta you spend most of your time implementing fixes to defects found in this phase of testing. I"m...
  5. F

    Loot situation POP quit dicking us around

    retards have no home here...