Recent content by Gator

  1. Gator

    Helldivers II

    Some toxic people play this game that fully believes level=skill. I have played games with under 20s on the highest difficulty and we have won. Now that being said, they don't usually have the "best" items but as long as they are smart, follow the group, team play, and can kill while not wasting...
  2. Gator

    Helldivers II

    I agree, they need to turn down the aggro of them. I use them as bait sometimes. Yesterday I had a charger and titan on my ass. I threw my autocannon turret way off to the side. They immediately turned and ran to it when it started blasting them. Gave me enough time to create space and re engage...
  3. Gator

    Helldivers II

    It's odd, missions and difficulties seem to swing in difficulty also. I think a lot of it depends on the team build/synergy and the enemy types. I've played level 7+ missions with 3-man teams that just clicked and were easier than some level 5 missions. This week my bot build has been Scorcher...
  4. Gator

    Helldivers II

    I've been having fun with my bot build. Heavy armor, scorcher, airstrike, autocannon turret, shield turret, AMR. Works surprisingly well but requires some planning and setup. Shield has a fast cooldown so you can usually throw it all over giving you cover to snipe or escape. AMR is two shots to...
  5. Gator

    Helldivers II

    Slugger was my go to weapon so the nerf hurts but understandable since it filled so many rolls. Wish they would have gone with a range nerf instead of a stagger nerf. I don't know if the arc thrower got more of a nerf or a buff. The range is a definite nerf but they buffed the stagger on it to...
  6. Gator

    Helldivers II

    Had a rough night trying to play yesterday. I realized I hadn't unlocked helldive yet so decided to play some 8s instead of just farming 7 like I have been for awhile. Probably just coincidence but the teams seemed to be more disorganized on 8s than 7s last night plus lower leveled. Also...
  7. Gator

    Helldivers II

    I'm addicted to this game right now. I'm really enjoying it. I also enjoy the rp people are doing with it on Reddit. They have come up with some funny things. This was gold... just scroll down.
  8. Gator

    Helldivers II

    Seems like each new patch adds a new bug for me to experience. Yesterday, I loaded up a game and when I landed I noticed my main and secondary weapon had reverted back to the starting guns. I've also experienced a few complete game crashes. Another odd one was when I was in a fight and running...
  9. Gator

    Helldivers II

    Mod addressed the uptick in difficulty and stated a hot fix will come at a later date.
  10. Gator

    Helldivers II

    Funny, I just got comfortable with 7s and figured out how to use the railgun effectively. Oh well, at least I wasn't attached to it yet even though it was nice not having to fear chargers and titans. I haven't had time to play the new patch yet but I'm seeing people say the laser may be the new...
  11. Gator

    Home Improvement

    Saw this on Instagram and it reminded of the conversation you guys were having a few months back about tumbleweeds.
  12. Gator

    Helldivers II

    Another dev stated on discord that the previous information was wrong a few days ago. Apparently, not finishing a campaign or failing a mission does not negatively impact the overall progress of the global effort. That being said, it does not contribute anything either.
  13. Gator

    Helldivers II

    Im also interested in what they can pull off. From my understanding, this will be one continuous war where as HD1 had several wars or resets. Plus there's another faction that is suppose to be added (The Illuminate). There are already hints that the Terminids are growing immune to the poison...
  14. Gator

    Helldivers II

    Dailys broke with the last patch. They said they will address it this week.
  15. Gator

    Helldivers II

    Yesterday they added the 15 minute idle timer. Today they increased server capacity to 700,000 according to Reddit. Good changes. I hope they keep it up because I'm having a blast with it. Edit: posted yesterday's patch on instead of todays