Recent content by headspace

  1. H


    Good lord, I am impressed so far. I have always been a fan of the Soloman Kane setting and weaponry (dual wielding a pistol and sword). This is the first game that pulls off that style of combat in a way that is satisfying.
  2. H

    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    It's much worse in an MMO. The other activities you list don't penalize you for saying fuck it and logging out. You can't do that in an MMO if you ever want to experience end game raid content. Yes professional gamers in those genre's don't have that option, but that is hardly a...
  3. H

    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    I cancelled my sub. I like the mechanics a lot, and it seems like the Dev team really worked their asses off. On the other hand, I can't stand quest treadmill leveling, especially of the quest spam variety. They needed about 1/10 the number of quests with 10 times more experience per quest...
  4. H

    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

  5. H


    That is what I currently play on Alpha. I really like it. That said, sperglords will tell you Battlerage/Shadow/Aura is better. Auramancy lets you stack inspire, so you can constantly have a %24 attack speed increase. I have my reasons for going with Archery though. It gives you a good...
  6. H

    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    I downloaded the game last night. I couldn't make it past five minutes. I am not passing judgment on the game as a whole, but it did not pull me in at all.
  7. H

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    I like the game a lot. I have three toons at level 49, but have avoided doing the VR grind. I can't explain why, but I find myself wanting to play whenever I have a few minutes of free time. Its the first game since EQ that I have played for 20 minutes on my lunch break every day. That said...
  8. H

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    The game is doing just fine based on my time tested game population estimation voodoo. I am having a lot of fun personally. I didn't have any pre-conceived ideas of what I wanted the game to be going into it though. It's the first game since EQ that I have enjoyed just grinding mobs to level...
  9. H

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    When I was playing over my lunch break I couldn't tell if it was birds chirping in game or outside my window.
  10. H

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    I duped tons of expensive consumables and loaded up the guild banks for every guild I am in. I did it simply for the fun of watching all the boy scouts freak out about unwittingly getting involved in illegal activities. I didn't really, but I wanted to = )
  11. H


    I couldn't see it in the credits, but I am guessing the last episode had a guest director. It was a completely different feel, but still entertaining.
  12. H


    One of my favorite shows on TV now. The lead actor makes it for me. He obviously isn't Daniel Day Lewis, but he sells the ex con pretending to a be cop. He just marginally gives enough of a fuck to occasionally, sometimes, maybe, sort of do his job. Good stuff.
  13. H

    2013 NFL Season

    Nah that's just the long way of saying nothing good can come from it.
  14. H

    2013 NFL Season

    In regards to Sherman - That's really all there is to it. Modern society has led a lot of us to believe pride and hubris are OK. They aren't. End of story.
  15. H


    Movie was absolutely amazing. I cringed a lot initially, but the pay off was very much worth it. Being a bit of a geek I was initially thinking to myself that if they had AI that capable, they would experience a singularity. When a computer becomes self aware it would progressively improve...