Recent content by hootie2_foh

  1. H

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Holy cow zindan!@ You are the poster boy of how american society has been turned upside down. Most american women, even the good ones are not worth your emasculating yourself to this extent. DO NOT DO ANYTHING FOR WOMEN WHO DO NOT DO SHIT FOR YOU! I wish i could change this rule but...
  2. H

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Yes seriously, how can someone who served a full term in our armed forces, continue to be a virgin. It sounds Impossible. Get out there and be all you can be!
  3. H

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    AND WE HAVE A WINNER FOLKS! Its not that complicated.
  4. H

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Seriously, just repeating that makes you look like a chump.
  5. H

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Florida has the worst drivers by far, because of all the tourists, teenagers and snowbirds. I think orlando is the worst, we have a huge university, lots of tourists and displaced people from all over the eastern seaboard. Add in the new population of PR teenagers who have a death wish and its...
  6. H

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    For me whenever a thread or conversation about picking up chicks starts this is all i care about. Meeting, talking to girls, closing a number ,dating its all old news. For me the hardest thing is building attraction with above average girls. Average girls, or those lower will help you build...
  7. H

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    What they are not telling you is how many times the mystery method just pisses people off. If you did not grow up a social person, someone who is used to joking with people, or kidding with buddies or family alot, it won"t work. I think the most important thing you can learn from these...
  8. H

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    You pretty much have to have the attitude that you dont care if she likes you or not. Once you reach this zen like state, you are irresistable. Unfortunately the easiest way for guys who are non players to become this way is to be actively dating somone you don"t want. Most girls do this...
  9. H

    Yahoo live epic fun

    LIVE: champagne This one is not 14