Recent content by Judge_sl

  1. J

    New Progression Server confirmed

    Any active guilds looking on Lockjaw? I started strong on release night and had a family emergency late on launch day that wiped me off the face of gaming for a while. Was boxing a chanter mage but would prefer to swap out to ranger/warrior shaman. Jaks is my chanter or feel free to pm me here...
  2. J

    New Progression Server confirmed

    Is boxer is indeed worth it for 3+ toons. Win eq and a g19 , naga etc is all you need to run two and not have to spend any cash. Plus it works for a few games as well.
  3. J

    New Progression Server confirmed

    At least its Wed, if they released on Friday before the holiday they would have a few employees much more unhappy then they already are
  4. J

    New Progression Server confirmed

    I feel bad for these guys in the way I glance over at a wreck on the highway, then drive on. Dinged 4 though in the 10 min we had back online!
  5. J

    New Progression Server confirmed

    I know Im saying maybe they are rethinking they people they canned and prolly should not have.
  6. J

    New Progression Server confirmed

    Ponytail to the rescue!
  7. J

    New Progression Server confirmed

    Just imagine the tears when dps race starts to take effect ..
  8. J

    New Progression Server confirmed

    yea just under lvl 4, neriak vendors were all sold out of spells. Least that will reset. Have room if anyone wants /t Jaks
  9. J

    Ragefire Character Name Thread (Progression 3.0)

    Jaks - DE Chanter Verabell - DE mage hottness
  10. J

    New Progression Server confirmed

    So many people are 3+ boxing mages it's not even funny. I can't wait to see the bazillions on pets floating around
  11. J

    New Progression Server confirmed

    Q hills has Haden!!!
  12. J

    New Progression Server confirmed

    If that list is right then all the exp modifier zones are exempt. Crushbone will be a joke lol. I'll stick to the instanced zones just for more mob density.
  13. J

    New Progression Server confirmed

    No worries. It's pretty much a racist group deal right off anyway Did they say which starter zones are instanced? Just commons, g'fay? Or will crushbone, BB, befallen etc be as well, I sure hope so.
  14. J

    New Progression Server confirmed

    Looking for a couple group mates for this. Going either ranger / shaman duo or chanter / Mage. Likely the casters to start since it'll be easier to both start in neriak. Shoot me a pm if interested. Warlain . Verabell are my typical names on most eq servers I play on. The ranger shaman...
  15. J

    World of Warcraft: Current Year We all know the reason!