Recent content by Jx3

  1. Jx3

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    My super mega bitch cat (who hates everyone except me) shit in my girlfriends shoe this morning. Certainly didn't rustle my jimmies, (in fact the ensuring laughter on my part did the opposite of rustling my jimmies) but having to listen to my woman bitch for the next 3 days will rustle my jimmies.
  2. Jx3

    Funeral Advice

    I know my organs are fucked, thanks chemo, but I suppose I could ask if they want this worn out husk.
  3. Jx3

    Funeral Advice

    Long story short I'm dying. Had my boo-hoo moment in Health Problems, whatever. Fuck funeral homes and funeral directors being fucking money grubbing fuck faces. What's the cheapest I could go? I honestly don't give a shit about anyone visiting my grave, I'll be dead, who gives a shit. I'm also...
  4. Jx3

    Coronavirus Updates, Important Information, and Ancedotal Experience

    I miss going to the nerd shop. Also, I was unable to buy steak today because the local K-rogers is out. Life is hard. I really wanted some steak *edit* I dunt spel gud
  5. Jx3

    (2020) Assassin's Creed Valhalla

    Where did Ubisoft touch you bro? Show us on the Viking
  6. Jx3

    Health Problems

    So bright side to the whole cancer thing is being to help others when they go through this shit. Just learned yesterday a former co-worker was diagnosed with uterine cancer. She a fucking awesome person and I look to her as more of a mentor than co-worker. Hopefully she does ok, fuck cancer.
  7. Jx3

    Coronavirus Updates, Important Information, and Ancedotal Experience

    Ripped off T-shirt sleeves my dude. Toilet paper and a fucking cool shirt when you're done.
  8. Jx3

    The How Not to Use Language Like a Hillbilly Thread

    Thanks bro, not going to lie, it was touch and go there for awhile.
  9. Jx3

    The How Not to Use Language Like a Hillbilly Thread

    I'm from West Virginia. Do I get a pass? Just curious, I ain't learned as some of y'all.
  10. Jx3

    Parent Thread

    Most of my students have checked out and I don't blame them. The secret got out that essentially they can't fail. To quote our superintendent "No students grade for the 4th nine weeks can be lower than what their 3rd nine weeks grade was/is." Which means I assign say, 10 assignments, Lil' Jimmy...
  11. Jx3

    Health Problems

    Mainly they space the appointments out, plus the cancer center is a mini hospital so when you go for chemo you get your own little cubby hole. Biggest thing is you can't bring a guest/visitor with you which kinda sucks. Beyond that it's still pretty much the same.
  12. Jx3

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    Cancer is rustling my jimmies pretty hard. Also teachers who try too damn hard. I teach 9th grade English, I'm keeping my shit simple, "read this article, write a response" type shit. Easy to do, easy to grade. Kids are at home and they ain't feeling this shit, I'm at home and I ain't feeling...
  13. Jx3

    Health Problems

    Sup bros. Not dead yet. Had 3 surgeries since Christmas. Long story short apparently I have/had a tumor growing in my guts thats chewing holes in my intestine. Leaking fluid into my body, caused some serious infections. Sucked real bad. Good news, I decided to continue on chemo but it's...
  14. Jx3

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    Fuck, may you always find a group homie
  15. Jx3

    Marriage and the Power of Divorce