Recent content by Moraj_sl

  1. M


    Loved it. Already counting down until next week's episode.
  2. M


    The Bob's Burgers tie in was a bit heavy handed, but they played it out well. Barry is still pissed.
  3. M


    Frisky Dingo is one of my favorite shows. I was disappointed to see it end the way it did. I wanted to see where they'd take it.
  4. M


    Xtacles only got 2 episodes. AS didn't want to pay for more episodes so the studio closed up shop. That's when FX picked them up for Archer. I'm really glad that Archer is doing well. I dig their style of humor more than most.
  5. M


    I picked up the bookHow to Archerwhen it was on sale for $1.99. Not a bad read so far. Any fans of their older stuff? Frisky Dingo, Sealab 2021?