Recent content by Nattac_foh

  1. N

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    LOL wtf.. had to post my LOL sorry ><
  2. N

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    YouTube - Behind The Scene: Scenery Art You guys probably seen this before.. It"s a pretty old Video, basicly explaining what Blizzard designs were environmentally. I love how they talk about the trees and how big of a roll they play
  3. N

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    Ive been in that area with high quality.. honestly still that picture has better atmosphere imo. "The top one of course hehe" BUT tursh is ghey.. Other areas in VG are alot better picture perfect =/
  4. N

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    LOL I don"t think that picture is high qua though =/ but i could be wrong... ive seen a few Amazingshots/areas in VG
  5. N

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    30 fps for a shooter? pfft screw that >< Back in my cs days i bitch about 3-5 ms.."constant of course" but i was a Caleague boy >< QQ about most stuff =p
  6. N

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    I don"t get this powergamer having good pc"s deal. I"m a powergamer and i wish i could upgrade every 2 years, but that"ll never happen. I guess he means a avg poewrgamer or powergamer=people with money >< PS please donate to Nattack powergamer foundation kthx <3
  7. N

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    If anyones seen the .Hack//sign anime.. I would love something like that! Probably wont happen for another 20 years though >< Basicly it"s like real life talking.. if you wanna be private you have to whisper or find some place private.
  8. N

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    Even though wow uses the birdie system also, you still go through the land =p - kind of a nice break >< I wouldn"t mind one or the other.. birdie/summonstone OO and FUCK 15 min boat wait.. if i remember correcltly if you just missed the boat in VG it was 15 mins? I haven"t really been playing...
  9. N

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    Any raiding guilds out yet? that actually raid in Vanguard? I would really like to know their real system and see real opinions besides devs dorky answers =/ Is raiding like a normal dungeon? clear trash/no trash? Non linear? I have this idea in my head that raids are like dungeons with no...
  10. N

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    I heard their gonna make consumables less needed.. atleast thats what i heard/hope =/ sorry for derailin abit
  11. N

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    I definitly agree with ya.. I enjoy Vanguard, i"m not very hesterical about the game though. I hate having to deal with bugs that ive dealt with in Eq2/WoW it"s like repeating frustration again. I hate the fact it"s called 3rd gen also but thats about it. I play a DK only lvl 19 almost 20 so...
  12. N

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    Elo! I need some help if someone doesn"t mind =) sorry for going off topic.. whatever it is. I remember in beta riftseeker had the problem for awhile, but it got fixed - i think.. atleast it was workin beta 5- Well anyways - I enter Riftseeker, no problems but as i go to the next...
  13. N

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    LOL please.. You can lvl while grouping, but at 66 doing lets say Mana tombs with out rest exp. is like 15-20 percent "once finished" when you get higher doing an instance is around 10-15 percent - compare that to quest exp you"d be a retard to lvl with instances Now group questing is...
  14. N

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    I Totally agree.. I like WoW, it really is missing something though. It has great atmosphere.. quest extremely well done.. But something about it doesn"t bring me rushing home to play it. Plus i love doing dungeons with other groups in it. It"s something i wish WoW would have
  15. N

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

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