Recent content by nesper_sl

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    CTRL + V
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    A Song of Ice and Fire (Released Spoilers)

    it's all quote from the released books and maybe the show, i think he said he had very little to do with putting it together. also bloodraven was cast for the show.
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    Grand Theft Auto IIIII - HDD City Stories

    co op would be amazing
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    Worst Major League Sports Commissioner?

    its no doubt bettman. The sport itself is more marketable than the players. OT playoff hockey tops everything. Baseball is my favorite sport followed by football and then hockey. MLB and the NFL can do whatever the commish can be retarded (see selig) and still do well. The NBA is an absolute...
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    Libertarianism - the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

    As someone who worked as a garbage man, loader and driver i can tell you the effort put in is minimal. I worked for a small company that handled one town and we did not have the tippers or arms everything was done by hand. I would also like to know where the outrage about EFM was when...
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    Lurkers (reloaded)

    no pics, friend lives off saltz.
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    Lurkers (reloaded)

    lurker, actually saw the igloo, friend lives near where it was, came home and then saw it on foh. wtf moment