Recent content by Pavor Nocturnus_foh

  1. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    damn, dude... go with a Russian bride, then turn them in every few years for a new one.
  2. P

    Denizens of FOH I call upon thee!

    I voted for her, and Im gonna keep voting for her. That chick she is up against right now is hot thought... Oh well F her, she"s probably a slut.. Look at those tattoos.
  3. P

    Deathwalker Plans 26 Boxing WoW

    Sam, I maxed out a character on a PVP server, and then I started over on a PVE server. To tell the truth the pvp is actually better on the PVE server because people get excited when you attack something, that doesn"t happen on a pvp server. Most, if not ALL of your PVP will be done in the...