Recent content by Phazael

  1. Phazael

    Dead Boy Detectives

    Its likely that this will set this up since Netflix is running the Sandman in his own show and next season of that is supposed to be Season of the Mists. Of course since its Netflix and not the Doom Patrol continuity, we got a pallet swap on the girl and the two boys are all but certain to be...
  2. Phazael

    Stellar Blade (April 26th, PS5)

    Its also only ever happening to Asian made games. Baldurs Gate 3 Eifel Tower with literal bear in the mix and TloU2 Quick Time cornhole the tranny event? Not even a peep. Make a female protagonist look attractive (and arguably more conservatively dressed than parts of those two games) and the...
  3. Phazael


    Sorry on that front, but too much fake and gay especially with Microsoft in the room now with this shit. Their hatred of Obsidian for making the best entry in the post FPS franchise is irrational and costing them fans, but they are intent on destroying their own IP rather than admitting they...
  4. Phazael


    The "they changed the lore" edge lords are all retarded. I am a bonofied expert on the fallout lore (and was even friends with one of the leads on FNV) so believe me when I say I was scrutinizing shit for them changing the core lore. Everything they did in the show does not conflict with the...
  5. Phazael


    Everyone seems to forget that if this takes place shortly after FNV (seems very likely) and they are going with the fall of NCR ending from FNV, the NCR had a restored working power grid in the area around Shady Sands (shown in the end credits of FO2 and mentioned in FNV). So the more likely...
  6. Phazael


    Given the reactor tech the have, its pretty clear they would have the technical capability, especially if Robco, Poseidon Energy, ect were in cahoots with them.
  7. Phazael


    @Caliane The Muldover stuff is where the bulk of the flaws of the show and plot holes are concentrated. I hope they explain some of it in S2, but with the character being dead it seems unlikely. The biggest issue for me is her surviving as a non ghoul to the present time was never talked...
  8. Phazael


    Well if you look at the games and show, there are three possible starts to WW3. All of them revolve around the vaults to some degree. In the OG games and cannon, they talk about how the threat of WW3 lingered for so long that people became numbed and complacent to it. A lot of people who...
  9. Phazael


    This is accurate. The super mutants were basically sterile, like everything else made with the FEV.
  10. Phazael


    I honestly thing @GuardianX might not have played the games. The whole core idea of the setting of the games was a fucked up alternate time line where the world in general (and USSA in particular) never advanced culturally out of the 1950s. Thats fundamental to the tone and setting of the...
  11. Phazael


    What about the season finale is pissing people off exactly? I mean it felt a bit rushed and they did not really explain anything with the female antagonist and how she ended up in her present situation, but aside from that I thought it was pretty decent. Very on pitch for the actual setting...
  12. Phazael

    Fallout - New Vegas

    What Gav said. I replay the base New Vegas and DLC every couple years on my PS3, even though I need to restart it periodically because it still has a memory leak issue. Actual in game not bug related criticisms for it would be the overland areas could be a little more filled in with things and...
  13. Phazael


    ITs a dyke, a skinny butch one at that. No amount of made up bullshit woke words will change reality on that, Mr Orwell.
  14. Phazael


    I honestly am starting to think he did not play the games much and may not have watched much of the show. Aside from the butch alphabet squire lesbian, the woke shit was actually really minimal and things you would come across in the actual games. They elements of the world were very faithful...