Recent content by Poin Dexter_sl

  1. P

    My little town needs your help! TITS, TITS and TITS!

    Chattanooga is getting other groups to help them vote in the comments sections of the actual voting page.
  2. P

    My little town needs your help! TITS, TITS and TITS!

    Well, I am planning on moving to Chattanooga in the next two years or so. That being said, I am voting NOT because of the tits, though payment was made, but because I HATE TOURISTS! Putting in a few hundred votes over the next 2 days when I can.
  3. P

    The Video Thread

    Did anyone manage to get the NSFW version for the Power Rangers short? Also, I'd watch a Power Rangers movie if this guy was directing it, the SFW verion is still incredible.
  4. P

    Steam Deals and Digital Sales

    I stand corrected, I was harried when I read through it. On my head.
  5. P

    Steam Deals and Digital Sales

    It looks like there will be a another free game key every 24 hours for the next two weeks. Humble got my attention: I'm sucker for turn based strategy, and Civ has been getting a little dull.
  6. P

    EVE Online

    Ironically I have a few Crows laying around. Will get on Science V I can get... Not sure which Engineering you are talking about.
  7. P

    EVE Online

    Pretty much.
  8. P

    EVE Online

    So, out of all the MMO's I have played over the years, EVE has been the one I want to play, but for some reason I never can quite get into it. I feel like I am unfocused to a ridiculous degree and have no idea what to train. I try to get focused on skill training and the first thing that...
  9. P

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    Go overboard, become over extended, and release a bloated unfinished game when the publisher gets angsty for immediate profit?
  10. P

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    Dumar is correct. Everyone got the gist of what he said, quit nitpicking. The Paladin in WoW just about changed every patch, and was radically altered every expansion. WoW was fun for a bit, however I do miss the social dungeons and camps of EQ. Those made me feel like I was playing a MMO...
  11. P

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    A few things here: Rework the Kick Starter. Seriously, everyone is agreeing you can do better with that. The last thing I ever want to see in my MMO is staring at the mob's feet for a batman style *SLASH!* *POW!* *BANG!* Seriously. For those who are against water dungeons... Kedge...
  12. P

    EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content

    I tried to download the test launcher and it's a no go. Weird.
  13. P

    What Made EQ Great? Tell your stories to a filthy casual

    This reminds me of the time we were raiding Trakannon. I had swapped my Deepwater Greaves for my poison resist pants, we had wiped and when I rezzed I somehow missed putting my pants on. After we beat Trak, one of my guildies asked where my pants went. Oops. I was asked (read: mocked) evey...
  14. P

    EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content

    Well, here goes. Downloading Everquest again. Sometimes I feel like I have the battered wife syndrome when it comes to EQ. I was thinking of going necro, mage, or wizard this time around. Is this a useful option?
  15. P

    What Made EQ Great? Tell your stories to a filthy casual

    Here is my list in no particular order. I still go back every now and then and check out EQ. Rolling a half elf paladin and falling off Kelethin that first day due to lag. Attacking the Priest of Discord because I didn't know any better. Crushbone trains handing me my ass. Having a GM...