Recent content by Rengak

  1. Rengak

    Miniature Painting

    A combination of real life and Eve Echoes has slowed my painting progress, so I speed painted these off my pile of shame.
  2. Rengak

    FedEx Cup

  3. Rengak

    Mad Men

    That one and this one I think about a lot.
  4. Rengak

    Not Another Teen Movie (2001)

    Anytime a team loses a big lead, this scene plays in my head.
  5. Rengak

    Miniature Painting

    If you are doing something simple like texture paints and adding grass, then do it last. If you are doing custom resin/acrylic bases then you need to paint them separately.
  6. Rengak

    Sports Entertainment

    Brandi Rhhhodes is in the women's tag tournament finals!
  7. Rengak

    Sports Entertainment

    He claims he wanted to bulk up to fight Naito, i guess he forgot to do the part where you harvest the mass after you cultivate it.
  8. Rengak

    The Karate Kid Part II (1986)

    That and the giant burning laser eye turret would just instant kill them.
  9. Rengak

    Sports Entertainment

    MJF redid this spot on Dynamite last night
  10. Rengak

    College Football 2020-2021 Season and the Covid-19 Bowl

    Something something money > player safety?
  11. Rengak

    Miniature Painting

    Anime robots need anime swords!