Recent content by rollings

  1. rollings

    .GIF - Jiff or Giff?

    Finally! A topic on this forum I can contribute to! G - I - F Glad to be able to help you all out.
  2. rollings

    Everquest - Agnarr Server: Sunset Mode

    It has been a few years since I raided so there might be more then the below. You can use the Raid Window to get a list of the other raid members, you won't see the bars in the same way but you can click on the name to target. IIRC you can also colour names based on class in that window and you...
  3. rollings

    What would you do if you were trapped in the game?

    I believe I am trapped in a version of the game and need help advice. -_-
  4. rollings

    What would you do if you were trapped in the game?

    What would you do if you were trapped in the game? 'Friends', family and co-workers working together to gas-lighting you and trying to pump you for information on how you think/react. At first I'd do the same right back but the longer it went on the harder that would become. How many months...