Recent content by sabiz_sl

  1. S

    The Sci-Fi Book Thread

    Iain M. Banks new Culture novel see's him back on solid form. He has kept me entertained since his first novel "wasp factory" and I got a creeping sense of woe that his growing wealth (well deserved!) had lead to the loss of his mojo. Seems its back to his best with "The Hydrogen Sonata".
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    I keep forgetting to put this on series watch, and when I do manage to catch a stray episode I get a brutal reminder of how good this is. Going to have to track down some series DVD on this one.
  3. S

    The Seven Psychopaths

    In Bruges is excellent, great script and character action. It manages to carry of a heavily cliched plot scenario and make it fresh, keeping you hooked to the end. Sorry too hear this new film may not be achieving the same level of impact.
  4. S

    The Hobbit

    Fight has it right. We can all get excited but the target audience is more child orientated.