Recent content by Slacker242

  1. S

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    I can confirm Wraithful Invokers are dropping consistently in Nightmare Dungeons. I am averaging 1 Wraithful Invoker drop per run. I actually got my first Barber as a drop in a Nightmare Dungeon. The second one (I needed 2 - 1 for 59 Sorc and 1 for 60 Necro) I needed to grind around 4...
  2. S

    Wheel of Time

    Let's face it. This was as going to be hard to pull off no matter who tried it. I thought the trailer was shit. Bright, teeny, and woke as hell. What sucks is there is so much diversity written into the actual books why force it into the main characters? There are direct histories of the...
  3. S

    Best phone games?

    Somehow I got a 6 month free sub to Apple Arcade (my wife sent it to me so no idea). Lot's of games. I downloaded Fantasian. I haven's stopped playing Fantasian. It's from the people from Mystwalker (Founder was at Square from the creation and helped create the FF series). If you enjoy FF...
  4. S

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO My favorite line: “We'd just have parties for whatever reason at all,” said McDonald. “It was fun. We were just having a good time. The culture wasn't... very corporate. That's how I'll describe it...
  5. S

    Black Desert

    Steam Summer Sale is on. BDO is on the cheap again. I guess I will give it a go this time around
  6. S

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    What's the world coming to that you can't exult one's gaming prowess over another without ridicule
  7. S

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    Pantheon has the honor of my first post. F off
  8. S

    Revelation Online

    Faulty Armor lives matter!
  9. S

    Chronicles of Elyria - new mmo

    Right! Because all those experienced MMO developers have been churning out such great quality MMO's and content over the past decade that there is NO chance these guys can do it! While there is a high chance of failure, their inexperience will have very little to do with it.
  10. S

    Hero's Song by John Smedley - ARPG/MMO Lite

    Right. He has a TV deal, a movie deal and now this. God forbid he write Day 3.
  11. S

    Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

    I saw it again with my kids yesterday. I have seen this twice now, once on Friday and again on Monday. I actually liked it even better the second time.
  12. S

    Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

    My biggest criticism is the pace from getting from point A to point B. This obviously needed to be split into 2 movies at the least. Quite frankly, this movie had enough story to dive into that TFA could have been it's own trilogy. On the other hand, Ford, Hamill and Fisher aren't getting any...
  13. S

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I just bought it again. I have it on PC but bought it for PS4. D3 is hands down the most fun Playstation game we have ever played as a family.
  14. S

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    A true EQ reboot would never be financially viable without bastardizing the core elements of the game which in turn will make you not want to play it. Daybreak is not going to make a game with the potential ROI that small which in turn means you will never be able to play it.
  15. S

    SOE Becomes Daybreak / Russian shutdown

    The Kingkiller Chronicle MMO. We can all level up our tradeskilling on sympathy lamps and run around listening for the name of the wind. Personally I am heading straight to the Felurian and never looking back..