Recent content by Soljourn

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    All things Brandon Sanderson

    Kickstarter reached 11 million of his 1 million goal.. wow
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    Path of Exile

    I'm still playing and could use it
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    Desktop Computers

    So you are saying the below would be a better build than the previous? Maybe swap the 5600X for the 5800X since the price difference isn't that much. PCPartPicker Part List CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 3.7 GHz 6-Core Processor ($329.99 @ Adorama) CPU Cooler: ARCTIC Liquid Freezer II 280 72.8 CFM...
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    Desktop Computers

    Any glaring issues with these selections? Need a new MB, CPU, Memory and Case combo. Am good with my Video Card and have a new power supply. PCPartPicker Part List CPU: Intel Core i7-10700K 3.8 GHz 8-Core Processor ($324.62 @ Amazon) CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve...
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    Will Wight

    Release date: October 6th for Cradle: Volume 8
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    NFL 2019 Season: It's Tricky!

    This halftime show has me missing the shitty commercials
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    Apex Legends new free to play battle royale game from Respawn

    Soljourn2k11 However, I suck
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    Path of Exile

    As requested here's a list of the maps I need: Level 7: Underground River Level 9: Plateau, Scriptorium, Sepulcher Level 10: Orchard, Wasteland Level 11: Coves, Primordial Pool, Promenade, Spider Forest Level 12: Overgrown Shrine, Racecourse, Summit, Torture Chamber Level 13: Core, Desert...
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    Craig McGregor just replied on Rerolled. THIS IS GREAT

    Speaking of name changes, can someone fix my name? I apparently can't type and have Soljurn instead of Soljourn
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    Puzzles and Dragons

    Yeah, am farm more comfortable using my bastet team on the descends now that the team is all max skilled. I wasn't ready for it last time it rolled around.
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    Puzzles and Dragons

    Finally evolved Yomi Dragon, just skilling up and +eggs to go for this team. I really hate farming +eggs.
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    Puzzles and Dragons

    I'm dreading trying to max my yomi dragon team. Will try for my Akechi during the 2x drops this week. Speaking of YomiDragon: who should I sub? Have Okun, Nephthys, Haku and Pandora atm, but see alot of people using Akechi, and Izanami.
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    Puzzles and Dragons

    Max skilled: Liu Bie, Osiris and ADKZ today. Need 1 more for Perseus. Pretty productive day.
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    Puzzles and Dragons

    Ahh ok, don't want awoken panda right now since she's max skilled and useful on my yomi dragon team.
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    Puzzles and Dragons

    Sort of confused. How do I get the new UUevo for Pandora?