Recent content by Sythrak_foh

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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    As much as some people think their opinion on games matter, I think the smart average player doesn"t care. I really don"t care how a game is developed or what was done in the background, the game will rise or fall on it"s own merits. If the game is good, people will play it. If it"s terrible...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    The major glaring problem with FFXI is you fight the exact same 4-5 different mobs all the way to 75 in the same areas meanwhile 90% of the actual "dungeons" of the game are completely ignored because the mobs have retarded TP moves, or just aren"t as efficient. That game split everything up...
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    Note Millie

    I thought this entire debate was put to rest when Furor posted something along the lines of "Millie has a cock fella" like 5 years ago. At least it was for me. Bizarre it lasted this long.
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I"d just like a MMO with a continuous storyline and possibly many side branches of it for once. A storyline you could go from level one to max with. I don"t think I speak for myself when most everyone around here is tired of the kill 10 boars for their pelts, tongues, hooves, teeth, whatever...