Recent content by Turgut_sl

  1. T

    Great Audiobooks

    No worries. There is a new one out that Card added dialogue to, has sound effects and a huge cast. (Ender's Game Alive) I have only listened to the demo of this one. It sounds good but if it were me I'd get the original because it fits better with all the others. I'll listen to the new one...
  2. T

    Upcoming Games of 2014

    Looking at the screen caps for the new Wolfenstein.... made me nostalgic for the orginal. Ahhhh a simpler time.
  3. T

    Ender's Game

    Agree faille, I could forgive most of the changes but the whole drive of this book is that Ender would do what it would take to take his enemy out. It really felt out of place for the character.
  4. T

    Movies you'd like to see remakes of?

    How about The Lost Boys and Back to the Future?
  5. T

    Great Audiobooks

    I've been burning my we through Card's Ender's Game series and I'm really happy with it. I've carried through into the related Bean series and am about to start the books that tie them together. The audio production is great and the voices consistent. I highly recommend it.