Recent content by Uriel

  1. Uriel

    Path of Exile

    It's a black morrigan beastcraft bug I guess, I wonder how long its been around.
  2. Uriel

    Black Desert

  3. Uriel


    Archeage classic. It's no surprise really, the game has been mismanaged and poorly monetized most of its life. Hoping AoC is the spiritual successor.
  4. Uriel

    MLB 2024: Rangers Conquer Texas, Then America

    I've been pretty impressed with Pages rookie performance with the Dodgers, and their whole lineup has been solid overall, pitching is probably their weakest right now. If they all stay healthy and don't suddenly choke in the postseason, I could see a WS win.
  5. Uriel

    Black Desert

    What is this tease
  6. Uriel

    MLB 2024: Rangers Conquer Texas, Then America

    Ddogers seem to be hitting their stride, kinda dominating recently.
  7. Uriel

    MLB 2024: Rangers Conquer Texas, Then America

    Yamamoto is getting better and better as he adjusts to the MLB it seems like.
  8. Uriel


    There's still private servers which at this point were better than live anyways.
  9. Uriel

    Pax Dei

    Is this the one where Asmongold was building castles with his viewer minions last beta or something?
  10. Uriel

    Path of Exile

    T17s were a terrible idea. Very unfun to run without very specific expensive builds and they're flooding the economy too much.
  11. Uriel

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    He meant Metzen I'm sure.
  12. Uriel

    Black Desert

    How does the familywide lifeskills work? I logged on quickly and didn't notice anything changed.
  13. Uriel

    Path of Exile

    There's lots of stuff you can work towards, is a good source to see what others are playing. This looks like a good goal to work towards
  14. Uriel

    Anarchy Online New Graphics Engine

    AO has the best classes of any MMO, they're all unique and interesting and fun to play. I especially love my shade. I was considering going back sometime to potentially try this AOsharp or whatever multiboxing program it sounds like everyone is using now, which I'm assuming is something like MQ2...
  15. Uriel

    MLB 2024: Rangers Conquer Texas, Then America

    There's this one from the other day too. Angel is a menace lol.