Recent content by Vinsent

  1. Vinsent


    That change happened with their last "phase" change update (the one that made the res'ed pyro not aoe). Spells now have a start and end. The start fully completes, then all the end effects are checked. Not saying its clear, but was clearly an intentional change.
  2. Vinsent

    Board Games

    Ill try to get some video at Gencon while I'm demoing. There is also this video that we had made: Might be a bit too rules heavy and not just gameplay for your friends though.
  3. Vinsent


    Yep its base mana cost only (Confirmed on twitter)
  4. Vinsent

    Board Games

    Woot! Thanks for backing!
  5. Vinsent

    Darkest Dungeon

    It really is not a trinity style game. None of the tanks can just soak damage and the healers cannot keep up (by design). Dead things dont dps is how you "tank".
  6. Vinsent


    Krip has a ton of duplicates equaling billions of dust if he hits the "disenchant duplicates" button. He will hit said button if he gets enough followers on Twitch.
  7. Vinsent


    A Year of Mammoth Proportions!
  8. Vinsent


    List only counts 30+ arena runs in a month. Likely there are more, just not playing that often.
  9. Vinsent


    Chinese fan group. They are essentially a "guild" that group plays together. They came over to play on NA when the Chinese company who runs HS China shit the bed for a few days.
  10. Vinsent

    Board Games

    Thanks a ton man. Hopefully you will enjoy the game.
  11. Vinsent


    x-posting from the general boardgame thread. My game is up on KS! Come check us out! (/shill)
  12. Vinsent

    Board Games

    Hey bros, some of you may know I’m a board game designer. We just put up our latest game, Dwarves: Dig, Delve, Die! on KS. At the risk of shilling, we think the game is pretty sweet and would love if you guys would check it out. <end shill – back to lurking>
  13. Vinsent

    Android/iOS/Browser games

    Playing a bunch of PvZ: Heroes. Its pretty fun so far, really random and cant speak to how balanced it is. Some easy exploits: You can concede to complete the "play x games to unlock a hero" quests. Also has the bonus of if you chain a bunch of losses they will give you a free premium pack...
  14. Vinsent

    Board Games

    Ill shill for my game here: Tactical board-game that plays in 30 minutes or less. Its my go to lunch-break game.
  15. Vinsent

    Pokemans and how to catch them with your phone - friend codes in OP

    Its 20km per hour not mph if its like ingress.