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  1. M

    EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia

    Got in Teek queue on two computers within seconds of each other. One got on in an hour fifteen or thereabouts. The other one never got on after seven hours.
  2. M

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    You're good. That probably came off different than I intended. Almost all of my posts here were pre-2013, so it looks like I'm new. I spent a good part of my WoW career listening to Furor, Sean, Vitae and others talking about EQ, so I've long been interested in 'seeing the sights' as it were...
  3. M

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    I've looked at the P99 stuff on and off. Was just wondering if there was more info somewhere about this time period of EQ. This place as in the FoH forums, or this thread in particular? Former I've been here since end of TBC/beginning of Wrath, latter I found this thread in particular while...
  4. M

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    Never got into this when it was the thing to do, but interested in seeing where things started. Any recommendations for someone essentially starting for the first time, or guilds for someone to 'learn to play?'
  5. M

    Monster Hunter: World

    That affects all games, though. MHW is the only one spamming every 5 minutes someone is playing.
  6. M

    Monster Hunter: World

    Anyone figure out how to make this stop spamming Steam with "xxx is now playing MHW" every few minutes?