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  1. T

    Black Desert

    Any ideas or word on more tickets coming out for Season characters? Or are we waiting til next year for that?
  2. T

    Black Desert

    Sorry if this has been answered already gents, but when is the official start of the new season? Is it Sept. 1st or is it the first patch day in Sept. like the 5th? I have 4 friends willing to give this a try, hailing from all sorts of other games and I haven't touched it since before the...
  3. T

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    So what's the low down on Classic: Wrath? Anyone have a buddy - mine quit bliz lol Who's in on what they are up to now? Are we gonna see it this summer?
  4. T

    The Mandalorian

    Welp Mando was cool while it lasted, they wanna cancel so I cancelled too! And btw if they want a bunch of socialistic zombies wtf are they charging for their service again, shouldnt it be free??? lol
  5. T

    Bioware's "Anthem"

    Aside from all the typical Bioware/EA crap this game is and so far I am seeing it too which is annoying, the look and feel we have seen over and over (SWTOR maps and bosses). But does it get to anyone else that here it is the far out future, and we are wearing Ironman suits essentially that...
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Damn and his hair started to fukkin grow too!
  7. T

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Yup yup
  8. T

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Love it still have that guys song and vid he made with SWG on my comp somewhere, the good ol days love SWG!
  9. T

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Anyone know if the NE huntress? armors in the new quests in Ashenvale etc are gonna be for player characters too by any chance, my daughter saw em and of course wants on her Draenei priest, lol not sure how that will work but eh thought I would ask! thx
  10. T

    Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

    you all are too stuck on the subject matter of gunns old tweets as in emotional much? at some point youll see whats really up, ill leave you to your fun lol you know stay calm bros and all that! peace
  11. T

    Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

    nah bro just an old man that doesnt take chatting/talkin shit etc. <- For you my sweet Vannesa :) what was i saying oh yea i just dont take shit on the internet seriously you all should know about that lol if this type of shit continues without proof you know evidence legal action and or...
  12. T

    Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

    LOL white knighting you new here? iive seen more pedo freaky bullshit on this website over the years than i have heard of from any these guys making movies you know the threads point and all, never heard of that guy in the pic if you know these people fuk me why arent you president boss and...
  13. T

    Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

    getting really hard to give money to those fuks at disney with this type of shit jokes are jokes bs is bs and since when do you dig up old ass shit on people from previous jobs then fire them after they have brought you nothing but gold and riches all the actors should fukkin walk lol no one...
  14. T

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)

    Seen a picture of Luke err Mark Hamill at some award show they just had, damn could have had like post RotJ Luke in the newer flicks boys tearing it up... could have. fuk
  15. T

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Did they remove the crucible once you do the Silithus quest line now? Cant seem to get back to Argus..
  16. T

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)

    Yep this guy is damn right fuk gonna make me cry Im an old man and my son almost said the same shit to me damn disney.
  17. T

    Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

    LOL ya here comes that Disney unlimited pooowwweeerrrrr!!!!!
  18. T

    The Predator (2018)

    Fuck ya this, and I agree this movie isnt making me all 'queue 1987 original Predator vibes' like Shane said it would... sux
  19. T

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)

    HAHA ya unlimited power!
  20. T

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)

    Thats cool and all, never listened to her before maybe she knows stuff maybe not but I would look at it like Disney is behind the changes we are seeing in Starwars the SJW movement and alot of forced lol forced diversity to Starwars not KK, I think she did enough with and for GL that she does...
  21. T


    Trying to get into this game but the more I see the more I see a short life span haha Probably pass and wait for BFA
  22. T

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Fukkin-A Lexx is badass
  23. T

    Black Desert

    Thanks much, FOH always coming through!
  24. T

    Black Desert

    Gettin bored lately with shit, I never checked this game but it looks like it needs a key to try it out like a trial? Can anyone hook it up for me and my daughter we have been playing AA off and on but looking for something new I guess lol
  25. T

    Ashes of Creation

    Been looking at this one too not sure some looks like a cash grab some looks like it... could have potential *screech across chalk board* fuk it UT can you please offer your advice on his one I might buy in if its still going but dam i suck at determining a good game and look to you for advice...
  26. T

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    WoW lol where is dis at tho?
  27. T


    did you just say Randy Pitchford? UT breakin my hearts wait are you saying he is garbage or... fuk idk what you mean but if your saying hes garbage than I take it back, UT <3 #4evah btw this game does look like a shitshow
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    RIP Carrie Fisher

  29. T

    RIP Carrie Fisher

    Considering how bad they were prior... yup.
  30. T

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Figures this forum troll alt account maybe sucks crApple cock too. lol My kids love their wii, their friends can't live without the ps4/xbox. They are 10-16yo what were u saying about kids again? Real gamers play on pc boy back to sleeps with u.
  31. T


    Enjoying library some, actually the grinding mobs endlessly isn't a big deal, I like diablo lol. I can't speak for my guildies tho, or my daughter so on their behalf, I have come seeking wisdom! First my daughter she wants those new costumes, what is it the scraps, skeins and disciples tears...
  32. T


    I pay for my own and my daughters accounts, and have spent about $200 not including the subs. Mostly on credits for her, she likes outfits, pets, those damn pink glider wings, the RNGboxes, although she did well with the rumbling acheum trees, she got some TS, built us some farm carts stuff...
  33. T


    Ah, thank you for the replies, once again much respect to Tuco and PRX and Rerolled I should have known it was just trash being talked. On zerg guild, I get the picture and I do disagree (or agree with ya'll) what PRX does is how "IT" is supposed to be done, not a put down, I guess others are...
  34. T


    Hey guys, local retard in here with a question about what I saw going thru the Reddit AA forum looking for easy ways to get more gilda lol, anyways saw this and >.> not sure what it is about, all my dealings with Tuco have always been straight up with me so I am just curious as to what these...
  35. T

    Titan has been cancelled.

    That sounds like what I saw, I remember player owned structures, tho not really into that myself. But on version I saw it had a lot of melee combat, and yes 1st person. It had real-time combat and was pretty typical of the current MMO style shooters we have now. I don't remember the classes...
  36. T

    Titan has been cancelled.

    Yep I'm with the rest of you, and so far everyone is about right... From what I know the comment above and excuse me I'm stupid lol about Destiny was closer than you know, but mostly for the first Titan. It was a a post apocalyptic Diablo meets the future think guns but medieval armor open...
  37. T


    Sorry to post this here, but with the amount of us "trying" to play this game I know someone has to have a better answer than Trion for this! lol My buddy can't be in game for more than 2-5 mins max before he hard locks, or sometimes he can even hear the game in the background but has a blue or...
  38. T

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Sad to see Rob go. I read his departure letter and I don't know if I buy it. I wonder are things getting too hot in the Titan kitchen? Rob had his hands in many things, this very forums existance knows all too well, I just hope it doesn't come back to bite him, everytime we hear these...
  39. T

    Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...

    I always find this one funny too. Seems everything has a label, a PC label at that, as if the previous labels weren't good enough. To understand it I think it's best to look at it for what it is, when we label stuff like a box of a dozen donuts, 87 octane gasoline, 32oz Pepsi... It is so we...
  40. T

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Yeah I'm a little torn too, I can't really put my finger on this one. Is it AOC and WAR/SWTOR all over again? Is it mearely a GW2 rip off? From the vids and screen shots it looks like it has too much brown, I'm surprised we aren't hearing more about that quite frankly, why does the crafted...