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  1. K

    The Suicide Squad (2021)

    Ages were 15 and 27, not 15 and 17.
  2. K

    You know you're getting old when.....

    The good ole Winchester white box at Walmart for $8.99.
  3. K


    And Titans.
  4. K

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    I pulled Aerith's BSB and thought it was the booby prize...until I used it. Outside of Tyro's BSB in Nightmare dungeons I think hers is the only one I'll use on a semi-regular basis.
  5. K

    Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius

    Does linking your account to Facebook show up anywhere on Facebook itself?
  6. K

    Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius

    That is rather far off in the future for most people. You could run a party of five (5) Kenyu's to get them, but that'll take quite awhile. I'd think by the time you got TM's on both you'd have a better melee character.
  7. K

    Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius

    Zidane seems to pretty much suck aside from TM though, no attack skills other than mug. I've thrown him into the awoken to 5* and use in earth shrine for TM and daily only group.
  8. K

    Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius

    I got a Lenna and a Tellah. With her limit I've switched to a mostly Mage group with those two, Kefka, and Golbez. Have a maxed Arteimos as barrage is nice. Eventually I hope to get more melees so I can take advantage of Lenna's cheer, but for now only have Zidane and Arteimos.
  9. K

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Support Nightmare wasn't so bad. Sazh/Fran/Keeper/Kain/Arc. Shout for a RM, Kains SSB for no-air jumps, Frans SSB for damage, and Arcs SSB for Regen. Keeper was the weakest link but needed a dancer and he has Nightmare synergy.
  10. K

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Depends on the skill. Lifesiphon R5 is useful for clearing dungeon trash while saving a few charges for the boss. Skills like Full Break or Saints Cross you may want to save. Lifesiphon, Tempo Flurry, Dismissal at R5 can set you up for the final boss better than a few 5* R3's, a good balance helps.
  11. K

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    I think I'll do at least another 3x pull at least on this banner before the event ends. The bow, spear, harp, and Excalibur are all relics I'm after. The only IV weapon I have is a Blood Lance so anything will help.
  12. K

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    All I got was a stupid rock...and by rock I mean a FFX caster stat hat.
  13. K

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    I used them all on Yuffie, mostly for the reason Chris stated regarding how common the 3* motes will be.
  14. K

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    To answer pharmakos: I've got 163 stamina, my A-Team consists of: Ramza: Shout; Beatrix: Seiken Shock; and Y'Shtola; SS2, Medica2. Depending on the boss the others are a mix of: Yuffie: Clear Tranquil; Lightning: Crushing Blow; Agrias: Hallowed Bolt, Cleansing Strike; Arc: Renewing...
  15. K

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Interesting, I got Kogarasamaru and Platinum Sword on my second pull as well. Platinum Shield was first pull. I'm saving my final 50 for Banner 5 in an attempt to shift Wall from Y'Shtola to Tyro, I just feel that there is too much riding on the white mage sometimes to spare the time...
  16. K

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    So I got my second Platinum Shield, the question is do I combine or not?
  17. K

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Those thrown weapons will work for Ninja skills, and even after the nerf they are still viable.
  18. K

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Not bad Chris. The only additions I'd make are including Sazh's new RM as it is also a double hit and include the whole "Retaliate will hit the mob with the lowest percent HP."
  19. K

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    And to double back on that, you can use a damage RW to clear out two of the levels and then do one on your own. S/L away if you have trouble. (Close app and then reload, you'll be back at the start of the last stage you entered)
  20. K

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    I think those how to build posts are useless really. Figure out what skills you want and pick the characters that can use them. As far as four star orbs, keep on grinding until you can eh the ++ without any issues. Any dungeons you haven't finished will also provide a good source of orbs...
  21. K

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    AOE healing will come from relics or an RW.
  22. K

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Yeah, Yuffie can't use lifesiphon. Dismissal and a veil/steal works. She can sap as well. I used her for my U+ Medica on the VIII event with dismissal and tempo flurry and mastered it.
  23. K

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Out of curiosity, does anyone else really not give a shit about The FF VIII characters and realm? I have a random 5* relic and Rinoa's SSB and frankly I'm just doing the event for completions sake, not to improve the character.
  24. K

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Changing RW to Jecht for the orb rush, seems the most useful.
  25. K

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Did a 3 pull on the XII event, got Basch's shield, Penelo's group atk/heal, and the native 5* sword. Pretty stoked about both the synergy and effects.
  26. K

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Failure to read on my part, still an easy fight. I managed to snag Reno's SSB rod from pulls and man, with his goggles he is actually useful now. Doesn't hurt that Golbez can use the rod also.
  27. K

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    The Ultimate for Relm's event is pretty easy if you have decent melee gear. Just remember to hit it twice with Diaga before attacking and remember to count the five turns for demon form. Banishing Strike and Saints Cross on two different knights helps too.
  28. K


    Pfft, serial connection for the win!
  29. K


    Well the speed was more in Quake (thinking way back when). I picture BFG's fired at the wall or a door from the delay, or tracking rocket hits to the wall for splash, ditto for Plasma. And the satisfying double barrel shotgun to the face when D2 came out. Run strafing for the increased speed was...
  30. K


    True dat! DMCY2.wad ftw!
  31. K


    I'm looking forward to all the salt from everyone here who used to rock [DooM] back in '95 getting smoked. I'll be one of you and I'm super stoked...but age and reflexes catch up.
  32. K

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Got Yuffies Wutai, 2x of Golbez's armor, and a Cardinal. Finally have a Medica that isn't tied to Y'shtola and her Thyrus, yay! Now awaiting the let-down that will be Tatics.
  33. K

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Go go one (1) stamina for two thousand (2000) exp!
  34. K

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    There is definitely a hype component to the Tactics banner. The only reason I'm looking forward to it is the possibility of Hastega. I have wall and medica via Y'Shtola, a few minor group heals from other relics, and protect/shell are normal WHM spells as well as being available on a number of...
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    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    I'm still leveling up P. Cecil before I take this on but I'm curious, why Dispel and not Banishing Strike?
  36. K

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Ok, I try to put a series specific soulbreal on my RW, but I have nothing useful for FFIX. I can put up Y'shrill with SS2 or Medica, or Garnet with her Ramuh SB. Preferences?
  37. K

    First World Problems

    Mobile websites. They provide limited usability and some don't even allow you to access the full site (iPhone current iOS). Hell, some sites don't even remember your preferences for normal viewing. Super annoying first world problem. Also, people who can't replace the jug on a water cooler...
  38. K

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    This gun (New Years Banner) is a joke. The beginner banner is better for spellblade gunners (xii & xiii). Heck, it's better than the freebies from events for 7, 12, and 13.
  39. K

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    And I do a 3 pull on this banner and get the Shinra Helm (VII) and Betrayal Sword (VIII). Welp, still no V synergy.
  40. K

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    And the default SB on Gilgamesh is actually useful when using retaliate. Can weave it in between retaliates when hasted and not have to worry about whacking your own character.