Search results

  1. Rabbit_Games

    Cloning Problem

    For whatever reason, I was thinking about cloning. We've seen movies where each clone gets progressively worse, etc. But it occurred to me that it could be argued that you are engaging in a type of cloning when you have a kid. And we already know what kinds of problems can occur when you have a...
  2. Rabbit_Games

    Home Network Advice

    So right now I have an old Drobo 5n that's just hosting my media files and whatever I backup to it, but I'm expecting it to hit end-of-life soon. As a replacement, I'm trying to figure out a setup that gives me Pi-Hole for ad blocking, True Nas Scale to hold my media files, and a...
  3. Rabbit_Games

    Website login stuff?

    Don't you hate it when you ask for help, and then suddenly everything works? Bah. AMOD, delete my dumbassery.
  4. Rabbit_Games

    Time Travel: What would you do?

    We always hear the same shit: I'd go back and kill baby Hitler, tell myself about Google and get rich, etc. But what else? What would you do, for the greater good or just shits and giggles, that people don't really talk about? For me, I'd go back to the Library of Alexandria and load up my time...
  5. Rabbit_Games

    Better than Drobo 5n?

    I've been using a Drobo 5n for quite a while to store my media collection and serve it to my home network. Each room has it's own Nvidia Shield Pro running Kodi. It's fine for 1080p files, but can't seem to keep up with serving 4K. Thus, I'm looking for better suggestions. Thanks.
  6. Rabbit_Games

    What book would you like to see adapted to Movies or TV?

    With today's technology, I'd really like to see the Amber series by Roger Zelazny turned into a TV series just because there's SO MUCH you can do with that world. Also, my favorite werewolf book: The Wolf's Hour by Robert R. McCammon.
  7. Rabbit_Games

    Politics, Culture, and Controversy thread?

    How do I unlock that? Thanks.