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  1. H

    What happened to..........(FoH Poster)?

    Ever think about whether you're mentioned on the other forums in a similar thread? This thread got deep man.
  2. H

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    There apparently was a massive patch in the last few weeks. Nobody seemed to notice. Perhaps if it's added to Gamepass players will come back?
  3. H

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Wrong again. Huckleberry Hound was a popular cartoon in the old west. It was a catchphrase from the show. Doc Holliday was a well-known fan of the series and had good comedic timing. It usually got a laugh to diffuse the situation right before he killed someone. Source is Snopes.
  4. H

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Interior by Degas always had me wondering why the guy famous for painting ballerinas took a shot at this scene.
  5. H

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I also like where it's at. I hated Legion/BFA/SL when it felt like I HAD to login to do the daily quests for equipment/currency/whatever. It was like I had to work before I could do what I wanted. It's nicer now--I can login and don't feel like it's a chore. Nothing is really time-gated that...
  6. H

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Two lies and a truth: a) Character creation is now just body types 1 and 2, not male and female. You cannot make a lady in this game anymore. 2) There is a quest later on that lets you pick your sex, suggesting that you did not have one until you do the quest. All NPCs around you cheer and...
  7. H

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Yeah so like how do you fix a gas leak? Just open all the windows until the gas is gone?
  8. H

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    I want to bring my family love and happiness.
  9. H

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Not a glitch. The new mail tucks into your skin and attaches to the bone. It's a feature of the armor, not a bug.
  10. H

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    LOL at the art department. Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
  11. H

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I need your position on hot lesbians.
  12. H

    The Video Thread

    He may not be dead in the ground, but is he really alive?
  13. H

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    The "Bostick" font size is larger than the other font sizes. You can see the "B" is larger than the "E" on Elect, the "Z" on Zach, the "F" on For, and the "S" on Sheriff. It is also larger than the small text at the bottom. The little guys watching between the elephant legs are similarly...
  14. H

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    EQ didn't trivialize content every patch. Well into POP there were still fungi tunic camps. The loot, money, exp, and challenge always remained. In WoW, why do older content for anything other than transmog? Even within the same expac, why do the Kyrian quests once Zereth was open? Once I got...
  15. H

    The Video Thread

    Reminds me of these funny videos. I wonder why he isn't making more of these?
  16. H

    Retard Dumping Ground

    Your friends are on this board Booze. We'll harass you and ask you to post pictures of your ex-girlfriends naked, but that's because we love you.
  17. H

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    If someone says they are playing with a controller in my mythic+ group, is that a disability that would let me kick them?
  18. H

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Dear Asmon. The Fires of Heaven guild website, THE premier destination for lively Everquest discussions 1997-2004, formerly led by a serial sexual harasser personally named in many lawsuits who can't post anymore due to NDA agreements, frequented by a couple members of the original guild and a...
  19. H

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I call bullshit. Nothing can convince me this is true unless you post the pictures OR the link.
  20. H

    Xbox Megathread

    It's hard to complain with how good Gamepass is, but GWG got shitty recently.
  21. H

    Blizzard dies and Bobby rides

    Going to BFA after Legion made sense to me. The factions didn't really want to cooperate and still had their longstanding issues. A common enemy bringing them together made sense (as it did in all the prior expansions). But then once the common enemy is gone, why do they still cooperate? Plus...
  22. H

    Blizzard dies and Bobby rides

    Warcraft 1 and 2 Battlechest - Reforged. Now with each race in world history represented in the human units. No limit to how much retconning we can do.
  23. H

    Blizzard dies and Bobby rides

    My wife has no experience in tech, computers, WoW, or any video game in general. But she is a woman. Chances she could diversity hire into Blizzard?
  24. H

    Blizzard dies and Bobby rides

    Sex, man. Do you understand how much hot pussy the D2 gamers get?
  25. H

    The Video Thread

  26. H

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Is nobody else bothered by the nose hair? I noticed that before the chick's crazy eyes.
  27. H

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    This whole thing is frustrating because it's like an ad hominom attack. I wanted to see WoW fail because the game was bad. I wanted to see Blizzard broken because of stupid game decisions (WC3 reforged). Fixing those issues would make a better game and more fun for gamers. I didn't want to see...
  28. H

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I think this hits it on the head. I played EQ back in the day and dealt with grouping and raiding and corpse runs. I just don't have 6+ hours to devote to a game anymore. I like to see the content, feel some challenge, but not have my blood pressure rise for not studying all the fights. I...
  29. H

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  30. H

    Xbox Megathread

    I was split on the AA batteries for the controller. After buying some cheap rechargeable ones on Amazon, I actually prefer it now. With the PS4, when one controller died I had to charge it and use my second controller. If I didn't play for a few months, both controllers were dead and I had to...
  31. H

    Everything Options

    Ok so honestly dumb question here. But where is this money going to and coming from? I tried an option trade a few months ago (before this thread) with Robinhood. I lost my $70.00 and didn't get the stock. Fine, not a huge deal. But like who got my $70.00, and who would have paid me $150.00 if I...
  32. H

    Xbox Megathread

    As an update, I ended up sending my Xbox Series X in due to the frequent crashing. They had it at the service center for only a day before shipping me a new one with a new serial number. The new one hasn't crashed yet. So it seems I just got unlucky the first time with a defective machine...
  33. H

    Xbox Megathread

    I had a random crash problem with my Xbox. It would happen with both digital and disc games. At random points, the system would just crash with a flash green screen on my TV as it crashed. The controller would keep blinking, but I had to physically turn the system back on. It happened with Game...
  34. H

    Xbox Megathread

    I went with Xbox because of GamePass primarily. Seemed like a good deal to play some last-gen games that I might enjoy, but didn't want to buy (e.g., Battlefield 5, Battlefront 2, new Madden, etc.). And new games that would come out, even if it isn't day one release. Just like a blu-ray and...
  35. H

    The Video Thread

    I love these pitch meetings.
  36. H

    The Video Thread

    I've warmed up to watching these girls lip sync.
  37. H

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I've thought about this a lot. I was torn between whether I'm out of touch or if entertainment started getting too political for my tastes. My conclusion is that I am no longer the target audience for basically anything. I don't pay for DLC or any cosmetics in games. I only played BFA for like...
  38. H

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Whole clip is worth it.
  39. H

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    You still didn't answer my question, sir.
  40. H

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics