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  1. D

    VALORANT - Riot Games

    I’ll definitely see what I can do.
  2. D

    VALORANT - Riot Games

    i don’t have a figures about expected player base. But after the response we’ve gotten from the streamers that played it over the weekend, we think it could be pretty big.
  3. D

    VALORANT - Riot Games

    We’re not allowed to talk about it yet. But once closed beta starts on the 7th It’s open to stuff that’s been shown. Yeah, that’s my account. I played EQ since day 1, and been lurking these boards forever. I’ve followed the foh boards through all the iterations.
  4. D

    VALORANT - Riot Games

    The invite system is different than during friends and family, I’ll let you know though when I do.
  5. D

    VALORANT - Riot Games

    I work on it. Down to answer any questions about it when I’m able, if anyone is interested.