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  1. J

    Soccer 2022–2023 (EPL, La Liga, etc)

    Each league brings its unique style and competitive intensity, making every match exciting. With teams battling for the top spots and players pushing to outperform each other, there’s always something new to discuss or a standout performance to appreciate.
  2. J

    Weed Culture

    If you don't overuse it it's all right.
  3. J

    League Of Legends

    Timing, strategy, character knowledge, team coordination, and managing the evolving meta add layers of intricacy to this game. For instance, I have to juggle between last-hitting minions to gain gold and levels, position for combat, map awareness for potential threats, and willingness to...
  4. J

    Health Problems

    Huh, first time I hear about this. Sounds promising, thanks. Well I'm off in search of flowers to collect my anti-allergy pollen.
  5. J

    Health Problems

    I am fasting and sneezing as I am typing this, oh well. It's the season I guess. But what is this pollen/raw honey trick? And is it important that as a child I am pretty sure I had allergies to honey? My throat tongue and lips would get itchy.
  6. J

    Health Problems

    Speaking of allergies, you know how older people say there were no allergies back in the day. Is this supposed to be because they were wild and living in nature or something? Should I go outside and play in the mud or eat random shit of the ground to try stop my allergies from acting up? I...
  7. J

    Job Hunting

    Isn't this nonsense over yet? God, how retarded some people can be. But what job is it about? Maybe you should focus on remote jobs? If you have the necessary skills for such jobs, of course. During the pandemic, many businesses sent their employees to work from home, and some employees left...