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    any non predatory child games?

    So kiddo was playing with some goofy slice vegitable game. its predatory as fuck. if you finish a level it offers you a bonus. you click it. full screen adds pop up you can't click past. those take you to the play store. etc etc. Buying it didn't remedy this problem. it just changed it to...
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    Tiny Malicious Dinosaurs (Bird) Thread

    Mods want us acting right in the politick thread so I'm replying here. Yea our red Lori died like 7 years ago. She was a master of sneaking through the food bowl door (it had a much simpler latch) and she was such a good liar that she didn't cause too much mischief. she would usually fly to a...
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    Dark Heresy

    Anyone play Dark Heresy? I heard Fantasy Flight Games got their license removed, so it looks like the end of the line. Some friends an I have been playing since first edition all the way through the disgraceful rogue trader and deathwatch, a few ill fated black crusade campaigns, a few only...