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  1. B

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    Aradune, any plans to bring in trolls as a playable race? Will each race have their own unique racial traits? I ask because I was intrigued with how Everquest started out having an experience penalty for certain races because they had a racial edge, so to speak. Trolls could regenerate...
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    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    I'm against an LFG or easy summoning tool. Relegate summon, gate, or port spells to specific classes. Make these spells require ingredients; including a semi-rare no-drop item from within the zone you wish to port, or summon an individual to. In addition to that, include sparse questlines...
  3. B

    Gun control

    We already have gun control.
  4. B

    Gun control

    Not to start an argument, because I really don't have the time to engage in one, but can you elaborate on your previous point? Why does it matter what state he's in? Are you saying his position would only be valid if he was a NY resident?
  5. B

    Would you ever cheat on your other half?

    I can give you my personal reasons. Sex is a very intimate experience that I only wish to share with the person I'm in love with. Because I view sex as a symbol of my love for someone instead of a perk, I do stress importance in being faithful. By staying faithful I show my devotion. I...
  6. B

    Would you ever cheat on your other half?

    No. I view cheating as a sign of weak character. It shows you disregard the feelings of your SA. If you can so easily risk destroying your relationship for temporary gratification then I don't think you're mature enough to be in a relationship in the first place. You may as well stay single...
  7. B

    Christopher Dorner- Hero or Villain

    You're proving my point. There aren't many unlawful acts that couldn't be defined as terrorism. If some yuppy burns down a genetically engineered tree farm because he thinks he's saving the environment, then he's an arsonist. They use the term terrorist when they want to skip due process of...
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    Christopher Dorner- Hero or Villain

    His 16 year old son, who was also an American citizen was killed in a separate drone strike. The government is broadening their definition of terrorist every day. They've labeled environmentalists who've committed arson as domestic terrorists in a court of law. The same language was used to...
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    Gun control
  10. B

    Gun control

    I'm not sure who you're talking to since no one stated that the media shouldn't cover shootings.
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    Gun control

    "Experience [has] shown that, even under the best forms [of government], those entrusted with power have, in time and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny." --Thomas Jefferson: Diffusion of Knowledge Bill, 1779.
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    Gun control

    I don't believe it does justify a ban. How important are civil liberties to you? There's a whole host of shit we could outright ban under the guise of, " It's for the children". You have to accept that there's a price for freedom. There's also a price for tyranny. We had prohibition once...
  13. B

    Gun control

    If hands weren't attached to the human body, the government would want to regulate them. Can we stop trying to blame the tool and push for some personal accountability instead?
  14. B

    Gun control

    Another school shooting.
  15. B

    Gun control

    Homeland Security has the answers.
  16. B

    Gun control

    In other words, you don't have an argument.
  17. B

    Gun control

    The problem is whether or not the study is accounting for similar decreases in homicide trends over the years as seen in other countries that hadn't enacted a ban. Homicides spiked for many countries in the 90's and then fell almost as dramatically from then forward. US for example.
  18. B

    Gun control

    You're the one suggesting change. I only have to support my position when you give credible opposition. You haven't done that. The onus is on you to provide evidence to support your conclusions before I waste my time attempting to disprove them. If you can't do that you're simply...
  19. B

    Gun control

    You said its impossible to conclude either way. Since you conceded that you can't prove a gun ban would make citizens safer, I dropped the debate since any rational arguments you had in favor of a gun ban just went to shit. I never stated a one to one ratio. So I'm going to ignore your strawman.
  20. B

    Gun control

    You're maneuvering now, show me the statistics. You should have plenty of examples of successful gun bans used here in the US. You're suggesting my beliefs now?
  21. B

    Gun control

    Great, so drop the ban argument and stop spinning your wheels. No it doesn't. If I kill you using a knife vs a gun 1. You're still dead 2. I'm still dangerous. Let's take you're fantasy world and remove all guns. Guess what, you haven't removed a single criminal, good job. You've done...
  22. B

    Gun control

    If you're siding with splorge then hopefully you've found out by now that his belief is ban = lower deaths. That's what we're arguing. Which is factually incorrect. Second, I've never once said all regulation is bad and that we shouldn't discuss it. Third, my tobacco example was to prove a...
  23. B

    Gun control

    Almost 50,000 people died of second hand smoke last year. Point still valid.
  24. B

    Gun control

    How did you miss the entire point? Banning guns doesn't make one safer. The weapon of choice doesn't mean anything. Look at cities with the strictest gun control in the US. They're not even curbing firearm related homicide.
  25. B

    Gun control

    I never stated volume did equal efficiency in this case, which is exactly my point. The large number represents the number of deaths per year caused by smoking. You gauge speed with efficiency. You dodged the questions because you see the futility of your efficiency argument. Is your latest...
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    Gun control

    Show my one person that has stated such, besides yourself.
  27. B

    Gun control

    I'm suggesting that your efficiency argument is bullocks precisely because rifles, as one example, is a non issue because so few die by them. You think the government couldn't regulate blunt objects? On what grounds? Because you think the term is ambiguous? What the hell isn't ambiguous...
  28. B

    Gun control

    This argument is absurd. You think we should ban rifles, even though they're used in less murders than blunt objects, because they're more efficient at killing?
  29. B

    Gun control

    Teachers may be trained as auxiliary police officers. I'm curious to see if they do it.
  30. B

    Gun control

    A million years? How about 9 years when the first AWB expired.
  31. B

    Gun control

    My point is that if you believe in the 2A and you believe the New York law is unconstitutional, then act. Many people believe in those two points yet they're indifferent to the reality of what's happening because it's not happening in their state in the same moment. Indifference or laziness...
  32. B

    Gun control

    You always resort to this attitude when you lose an argument. Maybe you should exit the thread.
  33. B

    Gun control

    Straw man. I didn't mention suing or legal precedent, only precedent. Donating to the NRA or the nysrpa are just some small examples of what others can do to help a New Yorker even if you're not one.
  34. B

    Gun control

    I see this all the time. If the constitutionality of a bill such as the one in NY is in question, then everyone needs to stand together to fight it. Not just NY citizens. Because it effects us all. What good is the Constitution if it is only upheld some of the time, in some places? We...
  35. B

    Gun control

  36. B

    Gun control

    Jesus, have you been paying attention? These bills are popping up in states all over. If you don't think the government wants to ban firearms you're delusional. If they could pass it right now they would. Luckily we have those that voice their outrage before it can happen. Right now the...
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    Gun control

    That's not relevant to his point.
  38. B

    Gun control

    At this point I think the administration has lost most of their steam to push a ban bill. My comments were directed mostly at those who would support such a bill.
  39. B

    Gun control

    Your joke didn't apply to the comment you quoted. So laugh away? SB2899, HB815, HB1263, HR138, Feinstein gun ban, Cuomo and Rahm Emanuel are only a short list of bills and mayors attempting to enact gun and magazine bans. I don't know where you get the notion that no one is trying to go...