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  1. C

    The Hobbit

    I see it as the George Lucas effect. When a film director gets too famous, the people he works for stops challenging his "vision", and stuff like Jar Jar Binks, Pod races, Tauriel, or script like "Anakin, you're breaking my heart." gets written into movies. The Hobbit is a short book, and...
  2. C

    The Monuments Men - [Holy fucking cast!]

    TAKE MY $$$ NOW!
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    X-Men: Days of Future Past.

    I feel sad for your children's ugliness and lack of acting chops.
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    Pacific Rim

    Don't forget the blacks too.
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    X-Men: Days of Future Past.

    Halle Berry better shut her trap in the new movie. She's one of the worst black actress in Hollywood, and there ain't that many. The less Storm shows up in the new X movies, the better.
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    Pacific Rim

    PR needs more sequels. Hollywood needs to make a Macross or Voltron movie ASAP.
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    X-Men: Days of Future Past.

    Would definitely watch.
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    Avatar 2 (2020)

    There's a reason why Dances with Wolves part 2 and part 3 was never filmed. Because people get tired of this sequel shit.
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    The Monuments Men - [Holy fucking cast!]

    Can't wait! Bill Murray is going to rock.
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    Horror Comedies

    What about the Korean horror comedy "The Host"? It was great, and you know how the monster looks like 5 minutes into the movie. I think they are planning a sequel.
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    Gravity (2013)

    It's a good movie, but maybe about 30 minutes too short. Would've liked more Clooney.
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    Captain Philips

    Great movie, with a good cast. The Somali pirates were believable.