Search results

  1. C

    The best of the xbox 360

    Dark Souls, Red Dead Redemption, any Mass Effect
  2. C

    5 Best Games of All Time

    5. Shadow of the Colossus 4. Medievil 3. Metal Gear Solid 3 2. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 1. World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade
  3. C

    Don't Starve (similar to survival minecraft)

    This really is an amazing game, and if you haven't tried it then go out and get it now. I love the art style, the humour, and the gameplay is just fantastic.
  4. C

    Games that gave you the most bang for your buck

    I'm surprised more people haven't said Minecraft. What with all the mods, texture packs, and the directionless gameplay, it has nearly infinite replayability. Not bad for the $20 I paid for it.
  5. C

    Good sci-fi/horror books?

    I've been reading a lot of Lovecraft lately. The language can be a little archaic but some of the stories are quite unnerving. Mountains of Madness has to be my favourite so far.