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  1. Tim

    Post Your Pet

    Got my dog a cat last year to keep him company while I'm at work at night. Cat was a stray from the neighborhood that moved itself into the garage. Took about a month to get Heisenberg to not try eating the cat. They're buddies now.
  2. Tim

    What Reddit Thread makes you mad?

    /povertyfinance is a good place to get mad.
  3. Tim

    What's your craziest sexual experience thread?

    I went lefty once.
  4. Tim

    Do you know first hand anyone who has been proven to test positive for Covid-19?

    Never had any bad symptoms(popped a low fever for a couple days), but was quarantined before I could return to work at hospital after exposure to several patients without PPE early on in this bullshit. Positive swab test, and now I have a positive antibody test under my belt too, since we...
  5. Tim

    Austin, Texas

    The Whip In is my favorite hang in Austin. Go there every time I'm in town. It started out as a corner store and slowly evolved into a corner store + craft beer bar + Indian restaurant.
  6. Tim

    How do you pronounce your forum name?

    The T is silent.
  7. Tim

    Poll What Size of Community Do You Live In?

    Currently living in a town of 500. 15 minute drive from the nearest "city" of 30,000. This is a little too small town livin for me. I think the perfect place for me is a city of 75-100k that's at least an hour or two away from the nearest large city.
  8. Tim

    NFL 2019 Season: It's Tricky!

    I liked the call to go for the TD. They've been running well, and if you fail, the team that only put up 3 on you so far has the ball at their own goal line. I don't like it when teams get all conservative when they're up, seeing Rivers get fired up lobbying his coach to let them try is part of...
  9. Tim

    NFL 2019 Season: It's Tricky!

    Pats offense is struggling in the passing game. Lucky for them AB is coming next week. Jesus. Fuck those guys.
  10. Tim

    NFL 2019 Season: It's Tricky!

    Yey, go Cowboys. Or whatever. I have a feeling the Giants D is going to make a lot of QB's look like superheroes this year. I look forward to giving up and becoming a two team faggot around week 6 or so.
  11. Tim

    What's your biggest loss in a game? (Data wipe, save corruption, impossible boss, etc)

    IIRC, I had just been playing so long on that save I had tried lots of new characters, and filling up an entire roster at Ruidas tavern with too many class changed characters would corrupt you. There's really no benefit to switching back and releveling the same class more than once though, like...
  12. Tim

    What's your biggest loss in a game? (Data wipe, save corruption, impossible boss, etc)

    Dragon Warrior 3 on NES when I was probably 11-12 years old. I had a year+ old save, which I saved at various times on all save slots. Apparently I changed classes and leveled up too many classes on too many characters at Shrine of Dharma, and not only was my level 80's save toast, it also...
  13. Tim

    Happy White Male Nationalism Day! (4th of July)

    Using explosions to spread freedom-boners across the county is never a waste of money.
  14. Tim

    Investing General Discussion

    Anyone using M1 Finance? I just started on it a month ago and I really like the platform. You get to build your own mutual funds in a sense, and the default setting is set to reinvest dividends into rebalancing your portfolio into your preset allocation %'s. Can also choose from a pretty good...
  15. Tim

    2019 NFL Post Season Thread - Rams vs. Patriots for SuperBowl

    What was that.... 3 or 4 game winning drives that weren't?
  16. Tim

    2019 NFL Post Season Thread - Rams vs. Patriots for SuperBowl

    Teams need to start offering Romo a job as Defensive Coordinator
  17. Tim

    The Eating on a Budget Thread

    Only 1 out of 100 shoppers do this. But that 1 is always checking out ahead of you. +1 for HEB. Finally getting one near me. What really makes them stand out is their meat selection. Great place to get a good deal on USDA Prime briskets. Eating (great) on a budget.
  18. Tim

    The Eating on a Budget Thread

    Eating cheap is easy. It's just not convenient, that's why people think food is necessarily expensive, they are lazy or just stupid. Unless you are talking keeping it under 50 cents a day per person, you don't really even need to specifically look for the cheapest foods, you just need to buy...
  19. Tim

    You just won $1.6 billion!

    I'd buy me a few dozen congressmen, a large plot of land, and a supercomputer to shitpost on.
  20. Tim

    Energy Drink Thread

    You gotta join the One Gram Gang. OGG for life, yo.
  21. Tim

    Energy Drink Thread

    I've transcended energy drinks and now start my night off with an energy cocktail. I like to drop an extra strength 5 hour energy into a redline. I call it a Cardiac Carbomb. The grape 5 hour poured into the Blue Razz Bang is pretty good too. Taste like cancer, but still pretty good.
  22. Tim

    Gravy's Cooking Thread

    Hawaiian Brisket? Sure can. It's become a joke tradition at my BBQ groups meetups to smoke a spam at each one. It's actually not terrible.
  23. Tim

    Energy Drink Thread

    I've been working nightshift at the hospital for the last 18 months of so, and in that time I think I've tried nearly every sugar free/lo-no calorie energy drink available to order on Amazon. Bang Sour Heads is my current goto. Been through a few of those Xmode energy shots on tap(100 servings...
  24. Tim

    Spend an hour with anyone - who?

    Charles Martel. Just hang out and watch some recent youtube videos from the old continent and pick his brain.
  25. Tim

    Smokers / Grills

    For anyone wanting to try out kamado style but not wanting to spend a lot of money, the Akorn (link)is pretty solid. Under $300 and I far prefer it to the standard large BGE, since it has a much larger cook space and comes standard with a lot of features you would be paying extra for with the...
  26. Tim

    Favorite in game weapons

    Kings Sword of Haste
  27. Tim

    One million dollars!

    invest it in a boring annuity or some CEF's or something that payout monthly. Then become a little more careless at work knowing that I'll be fine when I finally lose my licence. If that doesn't work out, hope that Borzak get's the million and hope he hires me for 6-7 years or so. (Promise I...
  28. Tim

    Cruises: Good Value Vacation or White Trash Rafts?

    Who wouldn't want to give this guy a shitload of money for an unproven commodity being held overseas? edit: If yes, I have a Nigerian cousin who would like to hear from you.
  29. Tim

    Greatest Video Game(s) of All Time

    Uncharted Waters: New Horizons Dragon Quest 3/7 Final Fantasy Adventure Civilization 3
  30. Tim

    How much income is enough?

    I've never really found it that hard to get by financially. I was making $7.25/hr out of high school, and spent most of my 20's being a fuckup, and I think around the time just before I decided to get my shit together and go to school and get a real job I think I was only making ~12.00/hr. This...
  31. Tim

    NFL 2017 Offseason - Where does Romo go?

    God fucking damnit. Killer pass by Rodgers to finish us off. Been waiting for a big loss for a while now to come out as a Cowboys fan on this board. Guess this it is.
  32. Tim

    NFL 2016 - <whatever Tony is doing>

    He gave em the ol' reverse Romo. Poor bastards never saw it coming.
  33. Tim

    Poll Cures: How easy are they?

    oh yeah, definitely, it's weapons grade retarded to try to give antibiotics credit for everything they happen to be used after preventatively. 99% of medicine, haha
  34. Tim

    Poll Cures: How easy are they?

    There are two different subjects at play here. One is the ability to perform surgery with pristine enough aseptic technique to give good outcomes to most patients without prophylactic abx, the other is "how much does the abx cost vs how much treating an infection cost." Prophylactic antibiotics...
  35. Tim

    NFL 2016 - <whatever Tony is doing>

    Two game ending Int's to the back of the head.
  36. Tim

    The Beer Thread

    Got a mix-6 at the beer store among other things. While I was filling it out, it occurred to me that I've never actually had a regular Budweiser. I've drank a lot of BL and other BMC beers especially when I was younger, but this one I seemed to miss. So among a bounty of Stone, Franconia, and...
  37. Tim

    Biggest video game disappointment?

    Tabula Rasa The game promised so much, and was actually quite good for about a week, then it became apparent that the choices in quests you made didn't matter, and the game play was super repetitive. Star Trek Online I told my girlfriend at the time, that if she suddenly didn't hear from me...