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    Star Citizen Online - The search for more money

    Is Elite Dangerous an MMO? FAQ "Elite: Dangerous is classified as an MMOG, but with the important addition, that you can choose if you want to meet other players or not and there is even a mode to play fully offline. The game features a shared persistent galaxy server, where macro effects and...
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    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Don't all MMOs see a decline in population after launch? When it goes f2p, that's when I assume it's not meeting its goals.
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    Star Citizen Online - The search for more money

    Some are saying this is a competitor to EVE. Is that true?
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    The NSA watches you poop.

    It's like worrying about a cockroach in the room when there is a velociraptor next to him.
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    The NSA watches you poop.

    All these new NSA, Patriot laws are trivial compared to Article 9, Section 1. With a majority vote, Congress can lock you away forever.
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    The NSA watches you poop.

    How do you guys feel about Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitution? "The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it." Been in there for over 200 years. Lincoln was the only one to use it...