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  1. T

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    I lived in Halifax for 3 years in the early 80's. My favorite place to eat was a pizza joint called "Lawrence of Oregano" but I see it is no more. Bummer it had great pizza. Pic unrelated:
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    I wonder how much all that stuff was worth!
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    Black Desert

    There will either be an announcement next week about the release of the ninja class, or possibly the ninja class will be released next week: News on Ninja/kunoichi - General - The Black Desert Online Interpret it how you want.
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    Black Desert

    Daum/PA posted an interesting thread on their forums regarding some recent questions. The BDO forums are down right now but you can read the thread at BDOFoundry: Questions Clarifications with Pearl Abyss | BDFoundry Of interest is that they say the Sorc Dark Flame nerf is intended and...
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    Black Desert

    Lol Daum: Information regarding the Tax collection period - News & Announcements - The Black Desert Online
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    Black Desert

    Well, looks likes siege has been postponed until they can sort out the problems: Sieges Postponed - News & Announcements - The Black Desert Online
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    Black Desert

    Looks like they will be changing the Auction House in an upcoming patch, which will finally include buy-orders for rare gear. Source:
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    Black Desert

    What you will need for Valencia:What you need for Valencia Content [PREPARATIONS BY @DESKA] - General - The Black Desert Online Interesting read.
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    Black Desert

    I have tried to get over 20 items on the AH and I always get a fail to purchase message. Right now, any Grunil over +10, tree spirit belts, +15 steel daggers seem to be gone instantly. It has happened too many times to be a coincidence. I have set alerts for the items I want, and when one...
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    Black Desert

    Well, I gotta say I have never seen a game go south as quickly for me as BDO. So much potential ruined by hackers and farming/AH bots. I think it is time to put the MMO genre to rest for me.
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    Black Desert

    I main a wizard also; any sorc main want to comment on this. I am curious too.
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    Black Desert

    Ok will do the same, don't be surprised if they are from a number of different character names as they are from my alts.
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    Black Desert

    Hi Dandai: I still have letters 1-4 on my alts. If you still have yours, tell me your character name and we can exchange. My character name in game is Mortto (two t's). I am on Edan.
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    Black Desert

    Guest pass, first one gets it: 5549-37DD-607E-4893-9306. Enjoy. Post if you used it.
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    Black Desert

    The game is downloading now. Thanks for all the info.
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    Black Desert

    Good to hear that there are no bots. Looks like this will be my next MMOs. I see everyone picked up the $30 pack; is the Explorers Pack not worth the extra cash?
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    Black Desert

    Thanks for the quick reply; I did check out the Blader/Plum videos as suggested but probably will not make either as my first 2 characters. One other questions, right now BnS is overrun with bots and speed/teleport hackers. What is the current situation in BDO?
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    Black Desert

    I am looking into getting this game and was wondering if anyone has a friend code they could PM me so I could try i out. I am currently playing BnS but I am starting to reach my saturation limit on that game. Also, can anyone suggest what would be a good couple of characters to start with...
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    Blade and Soul - Kung Fu Korea - Action MMO

    My confusion with Mushin's Tower was that I thought it was a normal zone with a mix of trash mobs and bosses (like E. Fleet Chain) rather than just one event per floor. I tried BD and Destroyer for the initial challenge and beat them both and then got crushed by the second floor Deva mob. I...
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    Blade and Soul - Kung Fu Korea - Action MMO

    Thanks for the info. I will try the melees then and see how I do; these are meant to be done solo correct?
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    Blade and Soul - Kung Fu Korea - Action MMO

    I got a warlock to 45 and have been doing E. Fleet Chain with no problems. I went over to Mushin, but I can't get into the 1st floor. The NPC by the entrance just gives me the option to beat all challengers (1F) or 5F (which is shaded out). Is this what is required to enter Mushin for the...
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    The gold spammers are evolving. Their latest trick on my server (Enla) is that they commit crimes and die so that they go to trial. Then they spam the trial channel with their buy gold spam for the duration of the trial. I bet Trion didn't see that one coming.
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    There's a New Server on NA. Calleil.
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    They just found a server crash issue. ETA of 11:00AM PDT is now out the window and its anyone's guess.
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    No kidding, got 1/3 through the intro video before it crashed. ETA now 11:00 PDT.
  27. T

    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    Regarding the Drusera: Secrets of the Nexus mission, it sounds like you are doing the Power by Proxy one. Here are a couple of tips to try and complete it. While in the mission at the point where it bugged, try abandoning the quest there. Sometimes the last mob will pop up to a point where you...
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    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    One thing that irks me about the game is that there seems to be no in-game support. I found a bugged quest that apparently is also bugged for a lot of my guild mates. I sent in a ticket and just got an email saying someone would contact me soon. Re-did the quest and it bugged in exactly the same...
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    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    I think everyone got one of those emails. Anyone know if stimpacks and the action bar are bugged. My stimpacks disappear periodically on the action bar and the slot where they are supposed to go is shaded out like it is not unlocked.
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    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    A question for all you hard-core types. I play a Spellslinger (currently level 33) and every few levels I try the mobs labelled "very strong" (usually a 2 on their icon). I have never been able to kill one of these solo; SS get an ability called Into the Void (or something like that) that makes...
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    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    Well, finally saw some lag last night due to the launch I guess. On Thunderfoot, lag was UO quality from about 10 PM onwards. I hope this gets addressed and soon. I also found my first bugged quest; bummer since the game seem really polished. I submitted a report and will see how long it takes...
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    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    Here are three more, enjoy: D77UB6IDEAT1KNC9QX4T D77UMO1GJIGBXLTX4A6A D77YQ3O1NMP3OS3NQKDR
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    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    Where do you put the addons? I couldn't find and "addons" folder in the WS directory in order to install manually.
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    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    I also feel the same way. ESO is crap compared to this game. It is so addicting. I sit down to play for a little bit and when I look up, hours have passed. Also, I got my first blue and purple items recently and there are very distinctive animations for those (especially the epic); nice little...
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    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    I wasn't in the beta for WS and the cartoonish graphics initially put me off, but I am really getting into this game now. After ESO, I can't believe the lack of bugs and bugged quests. The only bug I have found so far is that the quest armor rewards for my Spellslinger were labelled Esper, but...
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    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    Well I broke down and bought it despite my reservations about the cartoonish graphics. I will be on Stormtalon, exiles side.
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    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    I have been watching this thread because I would really like to pick up this game. TESO was a big let down and I don't have anything else to play. I checked out the Wildstar website and videos. The one factor that is stopping me from buying the game is the cartoonish appearance of the game...
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Is that Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner)?
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    The Elder Scrolls Online

    It is supposed to take ~2 hours, but lately it has been up to 4+ hours depending on the fixes. The EU server appears to have been done for 4 hours so I would expect the same.