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  1. Kewl Dad

    Wonder Woman (2017)

    That's weird I haven't seen any of this. What I have seen are a bunch of snowflake MRA losers with no lives complaining about a couple women only screenings for the movie. I mean JESUS, how big of a loser do you need to be to broadcast how much of a forever alone loser you are to the ENTIRE...
  2. Kewl Dad

    Retard Dumping Ground

  3. Kewl Dad

    Retard Dumping Ground

    Honestly, I think you're just a pathetic stooge who can't admit your wrong because your life is a joke. FCC prepares for net neutrality reversal
  4. Kewl Dad

    Retard Dumping Ground

  5. Kewl Dad

    Retard Dumping Ground

    Hey guys Trump saw a picture of a dying syrian child (TERRORIST) on TV and decided to do something he said was really stupid for years and years. Good to see the rose colored glasses are really in full effect with the faggot Trump supporters here I see. Definitely to be expected.
  6. Kewl Dad

    Poll Do you think Trump will actually win the presidency in November?

    The only people that believe this dress up as clowns and try to scare people at night.
  7. Kewl Dad

    When was the last time you had sex?

    im a dad and my wife and i both work so we have sex a lll the time i cant even count it all with the boobs and balls
  8. Kewl Dad

    Craig McGregor just replied on Rerolled. THIS IS GREAT

    It seemed more like the alt-righters were using rerolled as a safe space. They whine and bitch whenever someone makes fun of them. Then they whine and bitch about trying to get them banned. Annoying as fuck.