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  1. K


    I don't understand why the plan wasn't for Tai and Scot to just individually use the two idols before the votes were read. They knew they were going to have to use the super idol, in which case both idols are gone, so they haven't lost any more idols but they protect two people instead of one...
  2. K

    Marvel Heroes 20xx

    My Login Rewards doesn't have a check mark for today, for some reason. Does it have to do with the level 13 boxes? Also, while I've come our of lurking mode to ask questions, I've done X-Defense for three days (multiple times each day) and haven't gotten one token. Bad RNG luck? Thanks for...
  3. K


    There should be a super-cut of Survivor contestants saying "I feel really comfortable" just prior to being blindsided.
  4. K

    EQN:Landmark Beta Starts March 26th!

    Misery: My dog would love to dig up some dirt if your dog still has a key.
  5. K

    The Secret World

    Thanks for all of the advice. It was probably mostly gear from what you have said. I did do all of the quests in the first level but I didn't do the group quest at the end where is probably where the best gear comes from. Let's just mark it up to I'm bad!
  6. K

    The Secret World

    I saw this thread had some action so I thought I'd ask a question. I started this game two different times. Once when it first came out and then I started all over when it appeared on Steam. Both times I had a really good time in the first zone. I found it challenging enough to make me pay...
  7. K


    For quite a few seasons now teams seem to vote off "physical threats" from the very beginning with no thought to the fact that they need that physical strength to win challenges. The team then gets decimated early on and there is a quicker than would have otherwise happened reshuffle or merge...
  8. K

    Crazy Neighbor. Coward Landlord.

    Wasn't there a thread almost identical to this on the former site? I had some serious deja-vu while reading.
  9. K

    Gravy's Cooking Thread

    I use half and half cinnamon and nutmeg in place of cardamom in recipes. My palate isn't developed enough to tell the difference.
  10. K

    Excel help

    You're welcome, I hope it works for you. And thanks for the +1, nobody at work ever tells me I'm fucking awesome!
  11. K

    Excel help

    This VBA code should work for your first problem, or at least get you started. I tried to comment it pretty well so that you could change as needed but let me know if you have questions.
  12. K

    My new game, Space Impossible

    Very cool! When you said "technology to acquire" does that mean a crafting system of sort? I love me some crafting! xzi, those bastards 1-shot me too until I learned to get ready for them. As soon as I saw them coming I'd run away until I was out of their firing range and then turn around...
  13. K

    Middle Class Rut-New Album June 25th

    I didn't know this was out, I'll check it out as I really liked the previous CD. Alt Nation on XM played cuts off the first CD but I haven't heard this yet. Maybe I've just managed to miss it. (That video was disturbing.)
  14. K

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    GRRM discusses this and some other things about why he wrote the Red Wedding. Spoilered for Length.
  15. K

    Android/iOS/Browser games

    I found The Room very entertaining. It is a puzzle/mystery game with really nice graphics. It won 2012 iPad Game of the Year and is currently on sale for $0.99.