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  1. M

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    The Citadel: So Spake Martin - Size of Westeros Though in this particular instance, that was Dany thinking how far she must be, I took it as an exaggeration. This one is actually more forgivable than the Jon Snow fuck up. He once said that the distance from the wall to Dorne was roughly 10,000...
  2. M

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    The person who dies this season but hasn't yet died in the books, already died. Mance Rayder.
  3. M

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    But not zero influence on the actual story, significant page count has been devoted to both for better or worse.
  4. M

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    GRRM wouldn't of chosen the specific prologue he did if he wasn't going to resurrect Jon post-death (e.g. his mind being preserved once he is inside Ghost). Combine this with the following: R'hllor's burial rite has resurrected one person (Beric) when performed by a Red Priest and once more...
  5. M

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    Good catch, I was even referencing a quote where it was spelled out.
  6. M

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    No. In the original draft, he wasn't even going to use dragons. That's why one of the book dedications reads: "To Phyllis, who made me put the dragons in". Also, the first book, obviously preceding any popularity, is titled "Game of Thrones", a phrase with heavy political, not fantasy...
  7. M

    A Song of Ice and Fire (Released Spoilers)

    I've been reading the series since 1999 and it honestly doesn't bother me. I derived a lot of enjoyment from the series thus far and the speculation between books and while it will be unfortunate if he doesn't finish it, it doesn't change the any of the positive experiences I had over the last...
  8. M

    [Manga] Naruto (warning: spoilers up to current chapter)

    Sasuke is needed to dispel the infinite tsukuyomi, so he will live and learn the power of friendship.
  9. M

    A Song of Ice and Fire (Released Spoilers)

    He and Jon have both used the word obsidian multiple times prior and Maester Luwin already clarifies that obsidian is the term that the maesters prefer (Marywn being a notable exception). Given that, I can only assume that Sam found an explicit mention of dragonglass specifically when he said...
  10. M

    A Song of Ice and Fire (Released Spoilers)

    Why do the ancient records of the Night's Watch use the terms Dragonsteel/Dragonglass when these records predates Valyria if there were no dragons? If the Night's king is the Last Hero, his 12 fallen friends could be the symbolic 1-12th lord commander. Even if that's not true, Sam has on...
  11. M

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    Good point about Barristan, maybe Jorah just isn't very perceptive but I don't think they need colored glass eyes, Theon says his eye beneath the eyepatch is black, not missing. But your point still stands, they really do not look very similar.
  12. M

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    Jorah was a major vassal for Eddard Stark and fought against the Greyjoys during the Greyjoy Rebellion. Barriston Selmy actually lead armies during it. We know Euron was around at that time because it was he who planned the attack of Lannisport. Even with a beard, they should of at least...
  13. M

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    Do you mean did the show reveal that their grandmother was a Targaryen? If so, I don't think so but they did mention that Robert had a better claim than Ned so perhaps it was discussed then.
  14. M

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    GRRM keeps suggesting it every interview he's asked about the show content outpacing the books but HBO executives/D&D keep saying it won't happen.
  15. M

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    Several characters (e.g. Bran/Sansa) are 0-2 scenes away from being ahead of their chapters in Book 5; others like Dany are 3-4; so yeah, I expect season 5 to almost entirely cover the books and possibly even some parts of Book 6.
  16. M

    The PUSSY SHIT spoiler discussion thread

    Yeah, I accidentally responded to the wrong thread with this anyway and I see you responded for me, thanks. I agree, the variance as the show goes on is getting rather massive, which is probably fine since the show is almost certain to outpace the books.
  17. M

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    It showed up full screen on mine but attachments can be weird, here is an imgur link:
  18. M

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    So, the Game of Thrones adaptions started very faithful but there is an exponential trend as the seasons pass for variance. This trend doesn't bode well for the future of the show (if you care about faithfulness which admittedly, not everyone will.)
  19. M

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    Plus, he hasn't exactly been in the greatest mental or physical state since he left Deepwood Motte towards Winterfell. The book also establishes in the prologue that wargs don't go into the darkness that Beric describes while dead (that causes the memory/personality deterioration he suffers...
  20. M

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    Which leads to Robert Baratheon suggesting he be fostered with Tywin, resulting in Lysa and Robert fleeing King's Landing and probably spawning the letter to Catelyn. Robert chooses Ned as Hand which infuriates Stannis. This slight is why he doesn't communicate with Ned what's going on and why...
  21. M

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    Tormund disagrees sir: ?She burned that fine big horn, aye. A bloody sin, I call it. A thousand years old, that was. We found it in a giant?s grave, and no man o? us had ever seen a horn so big. That must have been why Mance got the notion to tell you it were Joramun?s. He wanted you crows to...
  22. M

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    Just load up Mount and Blade, it's going to be okay.
  23. M

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    This is book Stannis: "I shall bring justice to Westeros. A thing Ser Axell understands as little as he does war. Claw Isle would gain me naught... and it was evil, just as you said. Celtigar must pay the traitor's price himself, in his own person. And when I come into my kingdom, he shall...
  24. M

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    Show Stannis and Book Stannis have almost nothing to do with each other. I have some issues with Book Stannis (i.e. Proudwing) but Show Stannis is an irredeemable train wreck.
  25. M

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    Jon says that but it doesn't actually make sense. If you are testing the defenses, as a general rule, you don't waste all of your troops amassed on the less defensible side of the wall. I guess Mance is just an incredibly bad tactician.
  26. M

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    Exactly and the general lawlessness shown thus far is during civil war(s) where frankly, even today, very, very horrendous things happen.
  27. M

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    It's areas, they are predecessor houses that ruled all of them. Originally they are Stormlands, Riverlands, Rock, Dorne, North, Vale, and the Reach. Also, De bellis justis originates from the feudal age, so cassus beli does matter and there were clear causes for all the wars thus far depicted.
  28. M

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    Lol. Actually GRRM did have his his house robbed (the computer stolen was not stolen) though he was worried about the contents being leaked (before ADWD was published) and has since replaced the computer with a relatively recent model (still running MSDOS/WordStar though) so that post is...
  29. M

    A Song of Ice and Fire (Released Spoilers)

    Martell sent a token force under Lewyn Martell (Kingsguard) of 10000 soldiers. Doran/Oberyn themselves did not participate nor did the bulk of Dornish forces. The Tyrells were fully committed but spent almost the entirety of their time/forces ineptly besieging Storm's End. Aerys II was...
  30. M

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    Well I won't watch it once it eclipses the books, I simply am far more invested in the book storyline than GOT but I agree completely that his decision to allow HBO to finish his work was incredibly foolish. I think once he resolved the mereenese knot, he presumed writing would return to the...
  31. M

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    Hmm, speculating it might go over seven is something he has stated since before AFFC came out, this is in no way a recent revelation. Though it is somewhat dismaying as he, unlike Jordan, has stated very clearly that he nor his wife (presuming she survives him) will allow another author to...
  32. M

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    "I pray for a glimpse of Azor Ahai, and R'hllor shows me only Snow."
  33. M

    A Song of Ice and Fire (Released Spoilers)

    Yeah, I was not being particularly clear and was speaking from the context of Tywin. Tytos Lannister's mistress was also not a whore and merely common born yet Cersei recalls her being treated as a "common whore" by Tywin when he rose to power. I think for Tywin, the difference is minimal...
  34. M

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    Book Stannis and show Stannis are two separate beings. Book Stannis is and remains incredibly skeptical of Melisandre and her religion but show Stannis is a believer though perhaps not yet a true believer. He also has very strong moral objections to kin slaying and still harbors a great deal...
  35. M

    [Manga] Bleach (spoilers to current)

    I mean its Bleach so I just go with the flow on whatever bullshit happens, but to be fair, some character did comment on how fucked up and strange her shikai was.
  36. M

    A Song of Ice and Fire (Released Spoilers)

    Its from Tyrion III, a Clash of Kings. You pretty much have it exact but this particular hand needed it discreet due to his "honor". Tywin is a probable candidate. I think we have good reason to understand the context of this actually. Tyrion fell in love with whores (Tysha and then Shae)...
  37. M

    2013 NFL Playoffs

    Rams forgot that the first farmer God made was Cain, who promptly murdered his brother.
  38. M

    2013 NFL Playoffs

    How would that affect his comparison against other players in the NFL since 1920?