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  1. M

    Former coworker contacted me, think I might be getting scammed.

    Go the your local dry cleaner, and get the bitch a wire hanger. Sorry if I am late, but I couldn't read that shit.
  2. M

    No Man's Sky

    I just see myself getting way too high on some new age weed, and spending 18 hours at some space dock, thinking I am actually doing something in game. I predict lots of saliva running down chins with this one. And giggling, random uncontrolled giggling.
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    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    ^^^ Gaarth needs to price that shit. How am I goin to buy it, if I don't know what he wants for it? Fuckin' n00b. Oh ya, Sellwin is sellin it. Oil Tycoon Lulz. Brad?
  4. M

    SOE Becomes Daybreak / Russian shutdown

    I expect to see an new indie studio opening up fairly soon?, with Smed at the helm. First project will be based on the works of Patrick Rothfuss to coincide with the release of a cable series, (ala Game of Thrones), based on the same. Or not...
  5. M

    Everquest II

    Ah yeah, CoB farming. Great zone; lots of quests, nice amount of named mobs, and the trash seem to pop a ton of exquisite chests.
  6. M

    SOE Becomes Daybreak / Russian shutdown

    You mean this one?
  7. M

    Everquest II

    Don't waste SC on a mount, you get a free one in DLW from the quests. just a horse, but also just as fast.
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    Everquest II

    Ah well, I'm rolling Carebear.
  9. M

    Everquest II

    Having a nice time. Hit 23 with my jeweler, he's just about 10th for his adventuring, (Brig). If any of you guys start getting adv. jeweler scrolls, let me know. I'll make a trade; scrolls for any of your Scout experts and jewelry/belts/misc for you guys. (you supply the rares I'll pick up the...
  10. M

    New Progression Server confirmed

    Sorry totally off subject for the thread, but, that is an "unknown military" hit. It's right where the equator, and prime meridian intersect, and nothing ever shows on any maps. Always wondered what kind of shit happens there. Oh and on subject, I killed Fippy the other day.
  11. M

    Everquest II

    I was jusk dickin' around with a new char right before the DDoS this mornig, and they def. made it slower. DLW quests that would have me at level 5 or 6 before have me at 3. Discovery exp has been totally gutted, and is not worth more than 5% even when I was level 1. Crafting quest stops...
  12. M

    Everquest II

    Damn just got an Exquisite drop, and couldn't loot it... I'll never know what could have been. Stupid DDoS
  13. M

    Everquest II

    They were late starting, but at the current exp rate there could be some groups of near or at cap players tomorrow. I know if I wanted I could max a crafter easily, and probably hit 30 adventuring as well by tomorrow. I am disappointed, but hopefully some nerfs will be tossed out. I know it's...
  14. M

    No Man's Sky

    Looks promising, I am all about exploration and cataloging. Shit I soloed my last 3 characters in EQ2 to 100 just because I am sick of all the fucking retards playing MMO's nowadays. Might be nice to almost never see anyone.
  15. M

    New Progression Server confirmed

    Yeah it works for fire beetle eyes in Grobb too. Nice faction, nice exp, and you can sell the items you get for a nice profit. Plus ac2 earrings for your noobie Troll. Think I got about 8 levels from ~400 eyes. (might be off on that).
  16. M

    EQ Never

    This was actually one of the things they were so excited about from the day they "announced" the game. You murder everything in an area, they don't just respawn there to be killed again, they move someplace that is safer for them. You cut down every tree in the forest, well you just screwed...
  17. M

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    I take it he isn't the guy that gave us the awesome Dwarf concept art then. Cause dem Dorfs! Laudy Laudy.
  18. M

    EQ Never

    LOL yeah this is the least massive armor I have made so far, even the robes have huge skull covered shins. I usually run around in my oh so sexah boxer briefs; the man bun just pulls it all together.
  19. M

    EQ Never

    Overall, the graphics are looking okay. They toned down the Disney look a bit, and the Large Human, AKA Barbarian, looks pretty good. Armor needs some toning down, but...
  20. M

    Everquest II

    Oh man so much fun will be had on the PvP server. People having to wait for boats, and not use insta travel, hell people (hopefully) having to unlock the boats so they can use them for Feerott and Lavastorm, and others. Kunark, flying into a landing pad with a full guild raid force, only to be...
  21. M

    Everquest II

    Hmmm Ogre Necro this time around?
  22. M

    Kayak Fishing

    This^^ I missed that older post.
  23. M

    Kayak Fishing

    Okay okay if we're going to get technical, the very best bass fishing is currently in Japan. Fork is awesome, Rayburn is awesome, but I'm stoked to be in Austin, where I have a shit load of kayak friendly water to fish year around. Power plant lakes that produce all winter, rivers that...
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    Kayak Fishing

    Hobie PA is $$$ about $3200.00
  25. M

    Kayak Fishing

    You sir understand the Yakity Yak.
  26. M

    Kayak Fishing

    Kayak fishing; is it a sport, or just a damn good time? So here in Austin, we are surrounded by some of the best Largemouth Bass fisheries in Texas, and yak fishing is pretty huge. We have several tournament trails, and a bunch of fun tourneys as well. We are also close enough to the gulf, to...
  27. M

    Tree of Savior

    I'd need insulin to play that. Actually, too late, just looking at that sugary sweet shit gave me the diabeetus. I don't care how good the "game play" is, if I want to scoop my eyes out with a crusty dope spoon after playing for five minutes, I'll pass.
  28. M

    New Progression Server confirmed

    As usual I can't decide what to play, so I have an SK, a Shammy, a Druid, and a Wizard. (all one acct. no boxing unfortunately) So far, at low levs, it's the same as I expected, except for the difficulty single pulling shit, as mentioned above. Proximity pulling seems to be fucked up, but...
  29. M

    Everquest II

    Yeah EQ2 PvP was a shit ton of fun, esp. rollin' Exiled.
  30. M

    What classes from all other MMOs would you bring back into a new Game?

    Tank: SK (EQ), Paladin (EQ2) Healer: Shaman (EQ), Warden (EQ2) Utility: Enchanter (EQ), Bard (EQ), Monk (EQ), Burglar (LOTRO), Necro (EQ) Damn this is actually a hard one for me. Call it nostalgia, but I still think the unbalanced classes of EQ were some of the best. Top 3 most fun for...
  31. M

    EQ Never

    They are going back, blowing the dust off of one of the earlier iterations of EQ3, and putting a little polish on it is what I figure. Or maybe those devs who had the old school side project are getting green lighted...
  32. M

    EQ Never

    The Erudites are mentioned in one of the books (sorry at work, so I can't find which), and the Barbarians were mentioned in a dev. lore discussion.
  33. M

    EQ Never

    Erudites do exist. They are mentioned as a powerful psionic race, that the Elves could not conquer, even with high magic. The Erudites basically charmed the Elves to make them think they were in control, and then just went about their normal lives. Barbarians also exist (per dev...
  34. M

    SOE Becomes Daybreak / Russian shutdown

    LOL Too many combat stimulants...
  35. M


    I'd love to see some long Dregs campaigns; 6 months to a year plus. To me it seems like the FFA area will be the most rewarding, both in play, and resource wise, but will also need the most time to really mature into more than just a lone wolf / gank squad environment.
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    I'm starting to feel a little like this about Crowfall...
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    I look forward to knocking you all off of bridges..../SPLAT!
  38. M

    SOE Becomes Daybreak / Russian shutdown

    Another progression server? Hmmm, well I hope they roll back Mages and Monks to their early forms, otherwise it will just be another cluster fuck. Fippy was a god damn joke.
  39. M

    EQ Never

    Tru Dat! Gang Green!
  40. M


    Master of the Hunt vibe, a more beastial Cernunnos type, feeding on the hearts of his/it's enemies.