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  1. T

    Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...

    you honestly aren't funny unless you're doing black voice, bro. lol Seriously though... this thread goes against everything masculinity and what being a man stands for. This thread is a LITERAL circle jerk for little whiny boys.
  2. T

    Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...

    Honest question, are there guys that come here to make themselves feel better about not being complete fucking failures at life like Agraza, iAnus and Jive? Loser men who spend their lives on the internet complaining about girls to other loser men? I mean.. I feel great after reading the...
  3. T

    Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...

    This thread is like shooting Virgins in a barrel. Look at iAnus and Jive. FEDORABLE!!! lol "Those darn girls! They are so mean!"
  4. T

    Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...

    oh.. my.. god.. this thread is so fucking full of losers it feels like I'm giving birth to a brony out my ass. Loser white guys complaining about girls and crying about being forced to confront how fucking awful they are... I mean do people here actually read what Agraza posts and is all...
  5. T

    Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

    f my a Mad Max - Comic-Con First Look [HD] - YouTube
  6. T

    Malaysian Airlines 777 Shot Down (?)

    I hope we all get AIDS.
  7. T

    Border Issue

    lol you dumb fucking twat. Republicans and dumbfuck racists don't even immunize their own children. Bunch of diseased inbred losers. Should they be sent out of the country?
  8. T

    ultra beta male virgin shoots up hot girls at UC Santa Barbara at least 7 dead

    Oh Bullshit. It has been over 10 fucking years of complete fucking trash on this site. We both know that. I've seen people going off about "sand American Inventors" and "dune coons" with complete impunity on rerolled. Entire threads talking about how awesome and hilarious it was that a black kid was...
  9. T

    ultra beta male virgin shoots up hot girls at UC Santa Barbara at least 7 dead

    Geez I got Adebisi so mad he tried to upset me without using blackvoice. Why is it casual racism/misogyny/bigotry is cool except when being done towards dudes/white people here???
  10. T

    ultra beta male virgin shoots up hot girls at UC Santa Barbara at least 7 dead

    lol this thread is making me thirsty
  11. T

    ultra beta male virgin shoots up hot girls at UC Santa Barbara at least 7 dead

    Tuco.. I could try to go through every post to tally how many times people here like Keg and Aychamo have implied things like girls who wear yoga pants are looking to be molested/raped or whatever but you know as well as I do that it's all there. Luckily for them the old forums are gone forever...
  12. T

    ultra beta male virgin shoots up hot girls at UC Santa Barbara at least 7 dead

    Saying he was "just" crazy completely misses just how normal the shit he said was among certain groups of men. Like the stuff that is said here.
  13. T

    ultra beta male virgin shoots up hot girls at UC Santa Barbara at least 7 dead

    Good to see the usual losers here being the first to bend over backwards to suck out that meaty stream of loser white guy bullshit and defend everything from men's rights activists and guns. Hell, even rape. I guess you guys go to work real quick when it's one of your own.
  14. T

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    It will be the mountain and the viper. My guess is that they'll have Gregor kill Sandor in one of the next episodes to get Gregor and his hound killing strength fresh in people's heads.
  15. T

    Thats Racist ! (Rich old man in LA buys and sells black folks)

    loling so hard at the predictible men's rights activists racist losers like Fana & Phoenix freaking out at the woman looooollolol Could you guys set yourselves up to be any more fucking pathetic? How small of a dick do you have to have to start quoting Donald Trump?
  16. T

    Mass stabbing at Pennsylvania high school

    the nerdbros laugh at anything you say anyways, go for it, its never stopped you before
  17. T


    Christ Dude are you still so mad that I called you out on supporting that child molesting, teenager murdering Zimmerman loser? Get over it! lol! Although.. if you didn't get over it we would all be deprived of your clever zingers... Black people yelling at the screen... lol! gold! So clever...
  18. T

    ReRolled AssHat of the year SEMI-FINAL ROUND voting!!!

    lol seriously tho, y'all dumb white trash need some jobs or some shit lol
  19. T


    This movie is the fucking tits. Axeman car had me pissin. If you watch this movie and all you can think about is Assburger nerd shit like train tracks and engines, just kill yourself because the rest of us are actually watching the movie.
  20. T

    Lets go picket at Fred Phelps funeral

    Spoken with the finesse of a 12 year old learning how to be a racist from his pappy.
  21. T

    Nominations for ReRolled AssHat of the Year!

    three hundred posts thanks you oneone and khalid for keeping me in your thoughts thanks again
  22. T

    Nominations for ReRolled AssHat of the Year!

  23. T

    [NO Spoilers] Star Wars: Episode 7 - NO PUSSY SHIT

    I recently netflixed all of the Star War Blus and came to the realization that it all sucks. It just all sucks a ton of dick. It hurt to admit it to myself, but I finally grew up. It's just a big stinkin' nerd claptrap.
  24. T

    The Official Conservative Political Thread

    Shut the fuck up you Nazi sympathizing piece of trash.
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    The Official Conservative Political Thread

    nice 1, any more?
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    The Official Conservative Political Thread

    Someones taint needs to be on the other side and that taint is mine. Deal with it. I mean really, what's so wrong about rubbing my taint up against Merlin's taint. It feels good.
  27. T

    The Official Conservative Political Thread

    They only switched to capitalism because millions of people were killed and were forced to switch. It's a shame your bullshit candy coated history lessons here are such a joke. It's wrong to do this with such impressionable minds like trollface and merlin here.
  28. T

    The Official Conservative Political Thread

    Why you suckin lyrical's dick so hard bro? Tryin to get that $$?
  29. T

    The Official Conservative Political Thread

    NICE! Now we can all talk about how dumb white trash WASTES taxpayer money on garbage! LOL! You first Merlin! LOL! oops, don't forget to blame all the nation's woes on BLACKS and BROWN PEOPLE while doing it lol!
  30. T

    The Official Conservative Political Thread

    But Bush and Republicans had MAJORITIES for YEARS! LOL! You are saying they couldn't have done something to try and fix it and stop the crashing of the Economy?! LOL WHOOPS
  31. T

    Wizardhawk's memorial thread (a cautionary tale of dental care and garlic)

    Didn't keg have to go to rehab after he spent all of his mom's money on cocaine?
  32. T

    It's A Wonderful Life.. sequel? Dafuq?

    I'm glad you feel so strongly about a communist propaganda film. If only everyone could come to this conclusion.
  33. T

    A woman sentenced only 18 month after slaying 2 babies and failed on third.

    trollface making a self-righteous men thread? who would have thought?
  34. T

    Wizardhawk's memorial thread (a cautionary tale of dental care and garlic)

    Oh trust me, in the spirit of wizardhawk, no one in this thread will be coming into contact with ladies anytime soon.
  35. T

    State of the Union

    cool beans, I bet the trannie prostitute you ran that by totally smiled.
  36. T

    State of the Union

    "How can there be evolution when there are still monkeys out there??!" The pattern of moron arguments from morons is predictably moronic.
  37. T

    Wizardhawk's memorial thread (a cautionary tale of dental care and garlic)

    He wanted to live in the 1800s so bad he died like he lived in the 1800s. A true Patriot death. May Jesus & the tea party Bless. Aman.
  38. T

    Why are people such whiny cunts on this forum

    nets were super gay and everyone that used them were super gay and i always felt super gay having to +net my fans and stalkers. Why is the biggest crybaby on the forum making a whole thread complaining about crybabies tho is my ?
  39. T

    Eating fish contaminated by Fukushima is probably ok

    It's peculiar how most of these Fukushima panic stories come from the crazed super far right wing paranoid websites. Very peculiar indeed.
  40. T

    Girlfriend wants to move in, how much should she pay?

    I think your best bet would be not to get advice from a bunch of forever-alones and misogynists on the internet.