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  1. Gestahl

    The Sandman

    I'm really enjoying it, but it is quite ridiculous the amount of woke content. What purpose does it serve? It's all so OTT, it really takes away from it. Grumble grumble. Bought the first anthology of comics to read so I can compare the two myself!
  2. Gestahl

    The Sandman

    Having never read the it, I assume that the gay and racial stuff wasn't it originally?
  3. Gestahl

    Raised by Wolves

    Loved this show, going to try backing this Twitter call to arms! 😭
  4. Gestahl

    Metroid Dread

    Pirated version out already, about an hour in, great so far!
  5. Gestahl

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Templar it is then, thanks for the responses!
  6. Gestahl

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Thinking of starting this game, can't commit to grouping so need a good solo class. Any tips?
  7. Gestahl

    Pathfinder: Kingmaker

    Excellent, glad to hear it helped!
  8. Gestahl

    Pathfinder: Kingmaker

    Don't know if this has been mentioned, but made game run so much better on my crappy laptop. I set it to use cores 5-8 and disabled grass, and game runs pretty perfectly now.
  9. Gestahl

    Buying a Business

    20 years experience working/managing restaurants, bars, pubs in the US and UK. Don't do it! Owners I worked for were either, at best, obsessed Workaholics who were never truly away from work or at worst depressed megalomaniacs who were full of loathing for themselves and everyone around them.
  10. Gestahl

    Mobius Final Fantasy

    TBH I dont know how friendly it is, im FTP at the moment, but whaled pretty hard at the start, and went cold turkey for a bit from over spending! Getting the best stuff is massively unlikely as FTP, stories of some people spending $7k + and not getting some of the ultimate cards that are limited...
  11. Gestahl

    Mobius Final Fantasy

    They are having a returning event at the moment, very easy to get back into swing of things. Also those $75 jobs have been added to normal Gacha summon now! Chances are massively low to get them though.
  12. Gestahl


    Periscope Also the website this is on rocks for finding recipes, had it as my homepage on my phone when I worked in a cocktail bar.
  13. Gestahl

    Eomer's Thread

    Bath robe in american
  14. Gestahl

    Eomer's Thread

    On my birthday back when I lived with my parents, they had bought me a new dressing gown for one of my presents. I decided to model the new gown for them, so I went down to the living room where they were having a cup of tea. As I was stood there I felt a fart coming on, seeing as it was my...