Search results

  1. Zhavric

    Degenesis: Rebirth by SixMoreVodka

    I don't think I've ever seen a tabletop RPG get such a high quality website. The site. The cults. The Cultures. The fucking map.
  2. Zhavric

    The Monster Truck, Badass Sword, and Corona Virus Mega Thread

    Share life hacks to help get through this Corona virus nonsense. Or if you're not into that, let's talk about swords. Or monster trucks. Or swords and monster trucks. So what are y'all using to stab people / crush cars / wipe your ass with?
  3. Zhavric

    Lurkers and occasional posters unite!

    You show up about a couple of times a week to steal images from FSR and post them to your FB pages. You remember when Kate had a hoof and some of the shenanigans. But you weren't part of them. You know the general names of folks, but the who's who of the site is a mystery to you. You've never...
  4. Zhavric


    I don't even know where to begin or how to describe this game. The Primal Punk world of Degenesis takes place after an asteroid blasted into Earth. Humanity took a major step backwards. But the asteroid wasn't just an inert rock. It had infectious alien fungus in it. I'm not even coming close to...
  5. Zhavric


    Who out there is playing or has played Numenera? I wanted to get a discussion going about the new crafting system they introduced. I'm... shall we say... not the biggest fan. But I wanted to see what people had to say about it (if anything) before I rant, er, discuss.
  6. Zhavric

    FEDOR: a gun-firing Russian robot

    If this is old news, then rickshaw me already. But when I saw that there was a "Final Experimental Demonstration Object Research" aka FEDOR created by Russians... well... that just needs its own thread.
  7. Zhavric

    RIP tumblr porn

    The only reason to look at tumblr was for porn. That time has ended. Did you fap to tumblr? Do you not care? Is your favorite porn about to vanish? Post some of your favorite tumblr porn. Or other porn sites you use. Or swords. Swords are
  8. Zhavric

    Stay or go?

    This weekend marks 8 years of dating the same chick. Not married to her. Just dating her. The situation: I live in what passes for a real city in the midwest. She lives just over an hour away in a shithole town. She lives with her parents during the week. She visits me on the weekend. Been...
  9. Zhavric

    Futuristic Violence and Fancy Suits by David Wong

    Anyone else read this? It's from the Author of John Dies at the End and This Book is Full of Spiders: Seriously Dude Don't Touch It.
  10. Zhavric

    Who would win?

    Who would win between Darth Vader (from the original Star Wars) versus the T1000 (from Terminator 2)? Vader has The Force and a light saber. The T1000 can't be force choked, can look like anyone or any object, has better-than-human strength & speed, and an arsenal of blades.
  11. Zhavric

    Who would win... Ash vs Jules

    Thought it might be fun to get our nerd debate on. Who would win in a fight between Ash from Army of Darkness versus Jules from Pulp Fiction? I'm trying to imagine the one-liners going back and forth between them. Shit would be hilarious.
  12. Zhavric

    No Man's Sky

    I didn't see a thread for this game. If one exists, please link to it. That said... Procedurally generated content. Explore the galaxy. Go to ANY. STAR. IN THE SKY. Cannot wait.
  13. Zhavric

    Remembering those who have passed on

    So a close friend of mine died today. Went to bed last night. Never woke up this morning. We're thinking heart attack or stroke. He was a great guy. His family is pretty awesome and insane. They're not going to have a tradition funeral. Because traditional funerals in churches are, well... SO...
  14. Zhavric

    The Ask Zhavric Thread

    In celebration of my impending 100th post, I have decided to share with you all my wisdom and whit. Ask me your questions and I will provide you with answers. Pic unrelated.
  15. Zhavric

    Invent a Holiday

    Modern day holidays are bullshit. A lot of them are based on stupid myths. They only come once a year and they're never around when you need one. It's time we invented our own. Let's see what you guys can come up with. Title:The name of your holiday Date(s):When to celebrate. Could be a...
  16. Zhavric

    Victims of Net Neutrality

    Join the Battle for Net Neutrality So... has anyone been to a website that used to load well, but now loads really slow for seemingly no reason? I haven't noticed any, but I have the "pay us a ridiculous amount of money for stupid amounts of download speed" package. The argument from the...
  17. Zhavric

    And now for something completely different

  18. Zhavric

    Wearable input devices

    Wearing input devices like theMYO bandandThe Ring. There's other gadgets out there like them beyond just those two. Anyone have any hands-on experience with them? Do they live up to the hype?
  19. Zhavric

    Bollywood Action Films

    If you're not watching Bollywood action films, then you're missing out. TELL me you don't want to see that dude fuck up a whole bunch of other dudes with bells on chains.
  20. Zhavric

    Andrew Bird

    Andrew Bird is pretty fun if you're in the right mood for him. Mellow. Chill. Amazing on the violin. A far better whistler than a singer, but still decent. If you are wanting metal, hip hop, or danceable music, just stop now and go elsewhere. If you want to kick back and relax, give this a...
  21. Zhavric

    Total Ghost

    I love these guys.
  22. Zhavric

    The Galactic Cap Condom: Do you trust it?

    Apparently, some creepy old dude got sick of bitches not letting him ride bareback and gave the world this: Trust it? Anyone use one of these? If so, did it work or do you have mutant offspring on the way?
  23. Zhavric

    Shovel or bat?

    Remember that guy that no one remembered? I'm back. Topic for discussion: If all things are equal between two fighters (level of skill, size & reach, etc.) who would win in a fight between a guy armed with a shovel and a guy armed with a bat? Assume the bat is wood. Assume the shovel is...